Draw Contour Marks on 3D Lines

Use this function to draw contour marks on a selected 3D line at desired contour interval.

Run the function from the following locations:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Elevation Tools: Draw Contour Marks on 3D-Line

MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Elevation Tools > Draw Contour Marks on 3D-Line

Command prompt for:

Contour spacing <5.00>:

Define the contour interval (meter), at which contours are to be marked.

Point to a line, arc, or polyline:

Pick all the 3D lines and confirm the selection with the key Return.

Tip: Shortcut to this function (in case the 3D-line is a Novapoint entity):

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Novapoint Base:  object_menu

Command prompts for:

Select an Entity:

Pick a 3D-line.

Select the flyout menu option Draw Contour.