The drawing setup for slope arrows, contour lines, calculation parameters, etc., can be defined using the button Setup of the dialog Slope Arrows. The dialog Slope Arrow Properties will pop up with the button Setup. Activate the tab Arrow Setup to define the drawing setup for arrows and slope representation.
Arrow Options
To insert the name of the slope arrow defined in the dialog Slope Arrows, mark the check box Name as label.
Define the head style, length, width, text size, and color.
Head style - There are four different ways of drawing the head of the arrow.
The standard value is 3D and is recommended if you are working with a 3D drawing.
The three other options are None, 2D, and Fillet.
Elevation Label
Annotations for the elevation of the following can be drawn:
Start and end points of the slope arrow.
Contour elevation down the slope arrow.
Mark the checkboxes to activate options.
The annotation labels can be drawn perpendicular or parallel to the slope arrows. Select the desired option from the pull-down menu.
Interval (meter) - Define the interval for the contour elevation across the slope of the arrow.
Define the text size, the number of decimals for elevation values, contour values, and color for text.
Slope Label
The representation of slope in the dialog Slope Arrows can be defined.
Annotations for the slope of the slope arrow can be drawn in the drawing. Mark the check box Slope Label to activate the option.
Slope can be represented in three different types.
As Ratio - Default option. The heading of the column for the slope in the dialog Slope Arrows will then show Slope (1:S) where s is the slope to be defined.
As Percentage - The heading of the column for the slope in the dialog Slope Arrows will then show Slope %.
As Per Thousand - The heading of the column for the slope in the dialog Slope Arrows will then show Slope P.T.
Select the desired representation from the pull-down menu.
Define the text size, accuracy, and color.
Layer Settings
Select the layer, on which the slope arrows are to be drawn.
The pull-down menu lists all the layers of the current drawing.
Select the layer from the pull-down menu.
A new layer cannot be defined.
To create a new layer, exit the dialog, create the new layer, and reactivate the dialog.
Next topic: Convert Arc to Straight Lines