New Point Elevations - Running

This function calculates the elevation for a new point elevation based on the distance from the last point and the current slope. The points can be set out running, with the previous point as a reference, until the function is terminated by pressing enter. By using different options at the command line, it is possible to:

Find it here:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Terrain > Elevation tools > New point elevations – running

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Elevation tools > New point elevations – running

Working procedure

Entering the function, the command prompts:

Specify basepoint or [Pick Height]:

Pick a position of the basepoint in the drawing, alternatively press ´P` and select an existing point elevation.

When a new basepoint is chosen, the command prompts:

Enter height <0.0000>:

Type z-value, press 'Enter'

The first point elevation is now defined, by moving the cursor you will see the next point elevation and distance change in real-time, based on the set slope. The command prompts:

Specify next point [Pick height/Elevation/SLope/Distance/Height&slope]:

Pick a position for the next point elevation, or change the setting by the following

Tip: The next point elevation is automatically set at a lower level according to the slope (the slope arrow is pointing away from the reference point.) Switch direction by pressing Ctrl-button during set out - the next point elevation will then instead be placed at a higher level according to the slope.

About point elevations in Novapoint Terrain