Export Generic Properties to IFC by Editing the Conversion Rule
In this example, generic properties have been added to all WS objects in a trench called "Trase2". See picture 1 below:
Picture 1: Added generic properties to WS objects in trench "Trase2"
Step 1: Check the information on your objects
View the trench (Trase2) in 3D, and press one of the objects. Check that you have the properties that you added.
Picture 2: Screenshot Quadri
Step 2: Create an "Export to IFC" task and press "Select conversion rules"
Chose one suited conversion rule (for example "WS2IFC" (Water and sewer 2 IFC)) and then press edit.
Picture 3: Selection of conversion rule "WS 2 IFC - ToReflineAndSolid"
Step 3: Edit the conversion rule
In order to export the properties that you have created, you will have to add this to the conversion rule. You can do this by these 7 steps.
Activate the line with "manhole" (we want to choose an object that we know we have added properties too)
Then click "View Attributes Conversion per Feature" (the window below will appear)
Press "Add Gen. Prop.Row"
Use the drop-down menu to choose "GenericPropertyList" (important to use drop-down menu)
Use the drop-down menu to choose the property which you have created (see picture number 1 above).
Write first the name of the headline you want for your properties, then separate by adding this symbol | (vertical line) then write the name you want for that specific property on the other side of the line.
Save the conversion rule and close.
Picture 4: Edit the previously chosen conversion rule
Picture 5: Zoomed picture of picture 4
Step 4: Finish the export of the IFC file
After editing the conversion rule, you can now finish the export and save it as an IFC file on your computer.
Step 5: Open the IFC file in a 3D-viewer
Notice where the headline "Overskrift" comes from in the conversion rules (the text before this sign| see marker number 6).
Notice the headline of each property is called 1, 2 and 3 (this is the text that comes after the sign | in the conversion rule. See marker number 6)
Notice the Value A, B, and C, these are the values from the object. This value is read by the software, and will always give the actual value from the property. See picture number 1.
Picture 6: Screenshot Quadri
Next topic: Use of Propertyset Editor for WS