Define/Draw Geometric Table

The purpose of this function is to calculate elevation heights, coordinates, widths, heights, distances, and inclinations for points on a cross-section. These dimensions can be calculated for all required stations along the centerline. You can choose whether you wish to output these in a table on your drawing, or whether you wish to write them to a file. The function is therefore well suited both to the making of drawings for the structure and for calculating the widths and heights as an aid to static analysis or quantity calculations.

You should start the table function with the Define/Draw Geometry Table command

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Define/Draw Geometric Table


When you run the function for the first time, you will be prompted for the scale, if the !!scale!! has not been set before. For example, you should define 50 for the scale of 1:50. The scale you define determines the size of text, numbers, and the size of the table.

After you have selected a scale, the dialog box 'Table Names' will pop up listing all the geometric definitions defined earlier.

Existing geometric table definition

If you have one or more geometric tables defined already, you can pick one of those on the list to the left in the dialog box and then choose Select. The definition of the selected geometric table will then be displayed in the dialog box 'Table Definition'. You will then be free to change/redefine the details, which have been saved and you can calculate the values again.

Delete table definition

If you wish to delete any of your existing geometric definitions, select the definition and use the key Delete.

New geometric table definition

The first time you use the function, you should select New for a new geometric table definition. The dialog box 'Table Definition' will pop up, in which you will define your Geometric Table.

After you have selected New, the dialog box 'Geometric Table' will pop up, in which you have given a name for the geometric table being defined. Enter the desired name at the field Name and confirm with the key 'Return'.


If you are defining a new geometric table, you must give it a name and use the key 'Return' to confirm. This name is the definition of the data set that describes your geometric table.

You should also define the stations in which you wish to calculate the table values. You should also enter the points, which you wish to designate as elevation heights or coordinates, the points between which you wish to calculate distances/ widths or inclinations.

From/To Station

Novapoint Bridge Professional will suggest From/To Stations, Interval between the stations for which plan values are to be calculated, Text height, Stationing, etc. You can change these values, but From/To Station values must be located between the start and end key cross-sections. You will also select the lines on the cross-section, which are to be drawn. You can also change these values after you have defined points for calculating elevations, widths, and slopes.

Station list

You can make your own station number list for which calculation is to be carried out. You do this by clicking on the Add button to add a specific station number. The Delete button removes a station number from the list. The Transfer area button generates a station number list by using the From station, To station, and Interval fields. You can transfer several areas and edit the list afterward.

Station list only

Normally the station list is used as a supplement to the station numbers defined at From/To Station and the Interval fields. By marking the check box Station list only, the function will only use the station numbers defined in the station list for calculations.

Output to file

If you wish to store your table data in a file so that you can continue working in a spreadsheet e.g., you must mark the check box Output to file. You must clear the check box if you want to draw the table in the drawing afterward.

Text height

You can also select the text height for annotations on the longitudinal profile. The text height will depend on the scale defined. If you want a text height of 3.5 mm on the finished plot, you should select a text height equal to 3.5 times the scale. In other words, a text height of 350 mm for a scale of 1:100, 700 mm for 1:200, etc. The default text height is 3.5 mm on the final output drawing.


You can control the details, which are to be calculated/drawn. This can be done by selecting section points of the desired lines, which are to be calculated/drawn. This selection is carried out from the dialog box 'Bridge/Structure' (shown below), which pops up with the key 'Select' of the dialog box 'Table Definition'. In this dialog box, you can select details one after the other for the geometric table. The dialog box contains a radio button for select either elevation, coordinates, width/distances, or slopes.

Follow the simple below simple steps to define the geometric table details:

Select the details, which are to be calculated and displayed in the geometric table by marking the radio button.

For each point you select, you will be prompted for confirmation. For each confirmation, you will be prompted for a name to the point selected. This name will be displayed in the geometric table as the heading of the column.

You can traverse along the alignment by entering the station number at the field Cr. Sec. No. or using the keys '<' and '>'. If you are using the keys '<' and '>', you will jump to the cross-section at an interval defined at the field 'Interval'.

The key '«' and '»' will take you to the Key Sections. All other keys on the right side of the dialog are pan and zoom functions.

You can pick as many points as you want. You should finish selecting points by pressing OK. The points you select will be shown in the list of the dialog box 'Longitudinal Profile'.

List of lines to be calculated/displayed

After you have selected all of the desired points, they will be listed in the dialog box 'Table Definition'. For each point selected a line will be displayed. The list display information of selected section points such as column name you have defined and point number on the polyline.

Change the geometric table definition

You can change a previously defined geometric table definition by running the function Define/Draw Geometric Table whenever a change is desired.

Run the function, select the definition, which is to be redefined from the list of available definitions and edit the values. You can redefine From/To Stations, Calculation Interval, Annotation height, Stationing Interval, Delete section point or add section points, etc.


You can generate the geometric table by selecting Draw at the bottom of the dialog box 'Geometric Table'.

Note: You must remember the check box Output to file must be cleared if you wish to generate the table onto AutoCAD.

When you select Draw the station, command prompts for:


The table will be written on the B_TABELL_LAYER layer. In addition, the software will create a layer called STRUCTURES-SYSTEM. This layer will contain hidden entities for storing project data. The status of the layer is set to 'freeze' by the program to avoid considering it during the following actions:

Output to file

You can write the geometric table by selecting Draw at the bottom of the dialog box 'Geometric Table' provide, the check box Output to file is marked. 

Command prompts for:

After you have selected the file name, the table values will be calculated. The station, which is being calculated, will be shown on the command line. The file can be edited using a normal editor or can be used in a spreadsheet, etc.


You can save your table definition by selecting the OK button of the dialog 'Table Definition' then the OK button in the dialog box 'Table Names'. You can then retrieve and output the table on a later occasion.