Height Interpolation
Use this function to interpolate elevations of break points of 3D lines (source line). The source line can be 3D polyline or lines converted to 3D line using Create 3D - Line.
The minimum requirement is that the elevations are assigned for at least two distant break points, which are used to interpolate the heights of the intermediary break points.
All the breakpoints with heights will be used for interpolation.
Only those break points that are within the break points with heights (Z ≠ 0) will be interpolated.
Run the function from the following locations:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Elevation Tools: Height Interpolation
MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Elevation Tools > Height Interpolation
Command prompts for:
Select a 3D Polyline:
Pick the source line.
The result is displayed at the command line. The source line will be redrawn with the interpolated heights.
Tip: Shortcut to this function (in case the source line is a 3D-line drawn using Create 3D - Line):
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Novapoint Base: object_menu
Command prompts for:
Select an Entity:
Pick a 3D-line (source line).
Select the flyout menu option Calculate Elevations.
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