Insert Section Arrows

This function is used to load Section Arrows to the drawing, some with Attribute.

Run the function from:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Not available from the Toolbar

MOUS_ICO Menu: Novapoint > Drawing Layouts > Insert Section Arrows…

KEYB_ICO Command Line: Not available from the command line

The palette 'Symbol library' will pop up. All the pre-defined Section Arrows Symbols are listed in the palette in a folder structure. Browse the list and select the desired Symbol. Write in the wanted text (if it shall have a text) under Attribute value and hit Insert.

Command prompts for:

Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]: Pick the insert point to insert the symbol. After inserting the arrow at all the desired locations, click Enter or the right button of the mouse to exit. All the options on the menu are self-explanatory.

Attribute Editing

To edit the attribute after placing the Section Arrow, double-click on the Arrow and a menu for editing shows up. Do your changes and end the menu with OK (or Cancel).

Palette Properties

Options such as Allow Docking, Move, Size, Auto Hide, Close, and Transparency are available with the shortcut menu on the palette.