This function is used for designing crosswalks (pedestrian crossings).
The following sequence of questions will appear at startup:
Setup/<Enter point or press ENTER to select>: (P1)
By choosing "Setup" the Road Marking setup dialogue is accessed, allowing the user to make changes to the crosswalk parameters. The method used for crosswalk design is dependent of what action the user chooses. One can pick a point in the drawing (P1) and activate a three point procedure, or one can press ENTER and pick a pre-designed closed polyline defining the crosswalk boundaries.
Undo/ <Endpoint of line>: (P2)
Angle << 100g =1>>: (P3)
This option controls the baseline angle of which the crosswalk markings will follow. Input can be done using keyboard values or by picking the angle from the drawing. When picking from the drawing, a rubber band will appear from the base point (P2) and the angle is applied by picking a third point (P3) defining the angle.
Using 3 points:
Using polyline:
The distance between P2 and P3 will define the crosswalk width.
Note: All SNAP functions in CAD can be utilized for accurate positioning.