
The Task tab contains all the important input parameters. This fills the basic descriptions for the model in the Design tab. A Task consists of the following input boxes (below): Task, Reference Alignment, Road Standard, Select Data, Features, and Finish.


Template (only available when creating new tasks)

Templates will fill in the necessary data for the task. The default template is an empty template. To build up a road model based on data from another project, use the template From Existing Project.

Choose a user-defined template if available.


Specify a name for the task. This can be changed later.

Note: To change the name on a task simply change it in the process tree. Changing the name of a task changes only the task name. The actual filenames hidden in project files will not be changed.

Subtask of

Specify the subtask in the process structure where the task is to be stored. All tasks can be moved later by drag-and-drop.


Add information about the task and attach files as documentation.


The upgrade task button is used upgrading the task to the latest task version.

The upgrade is necessary because of changes in the conversion rule that will break compatibility if it is build in older versions.


Starting the tasks Settings (for the task) lets you change data globally for the task.

Reference Alignment

Choose a Line task with an alignment as a reference line for the road model and specify the From and To. Check the box Full length if this is wanted.

NOTE: Reference alignments in a road task need to be made as road alignments. When you create a Line task you need to use the template for Road Alignment.

Vertical Override

Override the vertical alignment to follow the terrain by a specified distance.

Road Standard

Specify the Road Normal and Class for the road. Road Normal and Class can be changed at a later stage and recalculates the typical cross-section.

Check the boxes for Superelevation and Widening if needed. The checkboxes are only available when creating a road model. To recalculate superelevation and widening access dialogs from Settings.


This drop-down menu accesses the Design Standard dialog if there is a need to specify the input to the road model. The Typical cross-section and Superelevation and Widening dialogs are also available from the drop-down menu.

Select Data

Define the calculation basis and illustration objects of the model.


Define the Rules for Result and input data.



Use this action to temporarily build and preview the model. A new preview window will open. If an existing View in 3D already contains the road model, then no preview window will be opened. Instead, go to the correct window and zoom in on the model.



Used to save changes and build the model. Changes will be stored in the task.


Used to cancel the task.

This will revert all changes done inside dialogs and tasks since opening the task. If there have been changes to user will be given a warning.

Next topic: Template