
This function constructs a turnaround by selecting two edge lines in the drawing.

Find it here:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Landscape > Construct Lines and Polygons > Turnaround

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Construct Lines and Polygons:  Turnaround

When starting the function you are prompted to: Pick the first edge line: Pick the second edge line. The turnaround will be placed on the side of the first line you selected A dialog box appears with all the parameters of the turnaround. All parameters are given in meters. Select a type of turnaround from a list of predefined turnarounds. The dialog box will change its appearance by adding or removing parameters to adapt to the chosen turnaround. In the lower right corner of the dialog box, you will get a figure describing what each parameter is used for. The function gives you a preview of the chosen turnaround, and this preview will be updated by changes in parameters or type of turnaround.

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