The following sequence of questions will appear at startup:
Setup/<Enter point or press ENTER to select>: (P1)
By choosing "Setup" the Road Marking setup dialogue is accessed, allowing the user to make changes to the bicycle-lane parameters. The method used for bicycle-lane design is dependent of what action the user chooses. One can pick a point in the drawing (P1) and activate the three point procedure, or one can press ENTER and pick a pre-designed closed polyline defining the bicycle-lane boundaries.
Undo/ <Endpoint of line>: (P2)
Angle << 100g =1>>: (P3)
This option controls the baseline angle of which the give-way-line markings will follow. Input can be done using keyboard values or by picking the angle from the drawing. When picking from the drawing, a rubber band will appear from the base point (P2) and the angle is applied by picking a third point (P3) defining the angle.
Using 3 points:
Using polyline:
The distance between P2 and P3 will define the bicycle-lane width.
Note: All SNAP functions in CAD can be utilized for accurate positioning.