Create Contour Colored Layering from 3D Faces
On the basis of a triangle model (in the drawing) the height differences can be visualized by coloring the triangles in height intervals. The desired interval and color are defined in a separate control file. All these settings are carried out with the function “Create Contour colored layering from 3D faces”.
The function reads the elevation from the active terrain model. Hence, it is essential to check the project settings for the correct model.
Triangle Model is to be generated, stored in the Digital Terrain Model, and the same is to be drawn to the AutoCAD drawing as 3D face lines before initiating the function “Create Contour Colored Layering from 3D faces”.
Run the function from:
Ribbon: Novapoint > Terrain Information > Create Contour Colored Layering from 3D faces
The dialog box 'Height Color' will pop up.
To select elements in the drawing click the button.
Click the button Change Color to change the color of the triangles based on the table in the drawing.
Click the button Interpolate to interpolate the colors of the triangles.
Click the button Insert to get a stamp of the colors, and Options to change the stamp.
Mark the check box Slice 3D Face if you want to change the Layer.
It is also possible to export and import the color definition to a *.hc file.
Next topic: Create Water Drop Line on 3DFaces