Change Line to Kerb/Curb Line
The function design curbstones and draw the same along the selected line. The curbstones are drawn with three or four continuous lines depending on the parameter defined in the dialog. The center line of the curbstone is defined by a separate line type to illustrate the curbstone pattern. When you create these curbstones, information about type and dimension will automatically be added, so that information about quantities can be extracted at a later point. The function presupposes that you have drawn a line where the curbstone will be located. This line will be kept after the creation of the curbstone line.
MOUS_ICO Menu: Landscape > Curbs and Pavement > Change Line to Curb Line
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Curbs and Pavement: Change Line to Curb Line
The dialog box 'curbstone' will pop up. The dialog box enables you to select the desired type of curbstone to be drawn.
Stone type - Select the desired type of curbstone from the pull-down list, the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the selected curbstone will be displayed in respective lists.
Sketch - Select whether the curbstone is to be drawn in Plane or Side (Elevation).
Draw - Select whether the curbstone is to be drawn Centric/Along right side/Along left side of the baseline.
Joint - Activate the Joint by marking the check box to facilitate spacing between adjacent curbstones in the longitudinal direction for joint purposes. Define a value for joint spacing.
Dimensions - Select the desired combination of Length, Width, and Height among a number of predefined dimensions. If the desired combination is not available in the list, new dimensions can be added to the list. Enter the dimension at the bottom of the respective lists and click the plus button to add the dimension to the list. It is important that length, width, and height, are to be specified, as these values will be considered in the quantity calculation of the curbstones.
Bevel - Select whether the curbstone is to be drawn with a line to mark the bevel of the curbstone. Available options are None, Left or Right. Depending on the option selected Left or Right the respective edit field will be activated, so that the width/radius of the bevel can be defined.
Ok - Saves the settings done in the dialog without drawing curbstones.
Make - Saves the settings done and curbstones will be drawn. Command prompts for:
Pick a line, arc, or polyline:
Pick the line along which curbstones are to be designed. Pick the first line if the baseline consists of several continuous lines. Continue selecting all the baselines and finish with the key Return.
Initiation is OK (2 elements)
If the option Draw: Left/Right is activated command prompts for the direction. If the option Centric is chosen the following prompt is not available.
Define right/left side by pointing :
Pick the side to which curbstones are to be located.
Object menu (NCO) on the curbstone
The curbstone is always drawn in 1:1, but the drawing is affected by the Drawing Scale and LTSCALE. If the scale in the drawing is changed, LTSCALE is also changed and this will affect the drawing of the curbstone. The consequence will be that the curbstone is incorrectly drawn. Object menu (NCO) can be used to oversteer this so that the AutoCAD Variable CELTSCALE is adjusted in relation to LTSCALE, thus curbstone will be drawn correctly. Further, you can trim, move and erase the curbstone lines by Object menu (NCO). The description of the curbstones can be adjusted as well. The 'Object menu (NCO)'-menu will pop up.
Edit - Runs the dialog for curbstone types and allows you to select a different dimension for the curbstone you have picked or any other parameters.
Trim - This allows you to trim (cut) the curbstone you selected by 'Object menu (NCO)'. The following command prompt will appear to pick a boundary line: Pick the line the curbstone will be cut against. Define the side that will be cut off <0.00,0.00,0.00>: Pick the side of the boundary line where curbstones will be removed.
Description - Run the dialog for line description so that the description can be completed or edited. If you want to add a label to the curbstone you can use this function to do this. For further explanation about this function look under Quantities and Line description.
Update - If you want to move the curbstone line you should do this by marking the curbstone line that has been drawn by cross-lines. Take hold of one of the GRIPS- points of this line and move it to a different point. Run Update to make sure that other lines belonging to the curbstone line follow. The update can also be used if the curbstone is not drawn as desired after you have trimmed or extended the lines.
Update several - The same functionality as for Update. You will have to pick the curbstones that you want to update.
Update all - Will update all curbstones in the drawing.
Update LTSCALE - If you plot on a different scale than the one you used when creating the curbstone lines it is demanded that you update the scale of the curbstones. Update LTSCALE edits the curbstone line you picked when running 'Object menu (NCO)'.
Update several LTSCALE - The same functionality as for Update LTSCALE. You will have to pick the curbstones that you want to update.
Update all LTSCALE - Will update LTSCALE on all curbstones in the drawing.
Erase - Will erase the curbstone you picked by 'Object menu (NCO)'.
Erase several by pointing - Will erase the curbstones you select.
Erase all - Will erase all the curbstones in the drawing.
Next topic: Insert Land Use Text