Road Situation
This function is used for Solid Hatching an object or all the objects of the desired layer with pre-defined Novapoint's Solid hatch colors.
Run the function from:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Not available from the Toolbar
MOUS_ICO Menu: Novapoint > Map > Map Surfaces > Road Situation
KEYB_ICO Command Line: Not available from the command line
The dialog box Color for Road Situation will pop up. Select the desired Solid Hatch color from the list in the left pane or select an icon from the right pane and press OK.
Command prompts for:
Object selection method; Select Objects/Layers <Layers>: If all the objects of the desired layer are to be colored Select Layers (L). If Objects from different layers are to be selected, the option is Select Objects (O). If the option selected is Select Objects command prompts for:
Select objects: Select the Object and press Enter or right-click to execute the function.
If the object selection method is Layer, a dialog box listing all the layers of the current drawing will pop up. Select the layers and click OK to execute the function.
If the option Close all Polylines and LW Polylines is selected all the polylines and LW Polylines will be closed before executing the function Road Situation.
Select multiple layers, as usual, using Shift or Ctrl.
Areas that will be filled with the selected solid hatch are Closed Polylines, Closed LW Polylines, Closed SP lines, 3D Faces, Circles, Rectangles, and Ellipse.
Hatch is applied to the current layer (not associate).
Use 'UNDO' to undo hatching.
If a selection of entities is to be exempted from Hatch then choose any of the following:
Use ADEFILPOLYG if AutoCAD Map is being used.
Create a new layer and separate the entities.
Next topic: Hatch Graphic Standard