Make/Edit Path
The functions of the sub-menu Make/Edit Path are used for the following tasks:
Define the values (such as the maximum radius of arcs in the path, the minimum radius of arcs in the path, friction values, slope, and speed) for the vehicle track analysis path.
Define the path that the vehicle (middle of the front axle) will follow in vehicle track analysis.
Edit the path.
Before defining/editing the vehicle track analysis path, the following parameter is to be defined:
Design vehicle for vehicle track analysis has to be defined using the function Select Vehicle.
Details that are to be analyzed/calculated and details that are drawn as a result of vehicle track analysis are to be defined using the function Vehicle Track Analyzer Settings.
If these parameters are not defined, the values (design vehicle and settings) used in the previous vehicle track analysis will be used.
If vehicle track analysis is called for the first time, default design vehicle and default settings (details that are to be calculated and drawn) will be used.
Following are the function of the sub-menu Make/Edit Path. The functions of the sub-menu Make/Edit Path can also be accessed from the toolbar.
Make Path Values: To define the values (such as the maximum radius of arcs in the path, the minimum radius of arcs in the path, friction values, slope, and speed) for the vehicle track analysis path.
This submenu contains the following menu items:
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