Junction Wizard

Run the function from the following locations:

MOUS_ICO Novapoint Road task > Design > Analysis > Junction Wizard

MOUS_ICO Road Modeler > Tools > Junction Wizard


The Novapoint Junction Wizard allows you to quickly and easily create a smooth connection at a junction between two road models. It connects the appropriate surfaces in the road models and also generates the rounding edges as boundary alignments and adds them to the road model to generate a smooth transition between intersections.

The wizard simultaneously rebuilds both road models for you. It saves a significant amount of time compared to the amount of time that would be spent manually editing each road model at the junction point.

The junction will now be in 3D.

Figure 1: Example of a junction

Figure 2: Example of a junction

Create a junction

Create two intersecting road models for your junction where at least one of the roads continues through the junction. While building the road models, it is important to pay attention to the vertical alignment of each model. Ideally, the vertical alignment on the secondary road should meet the shoulder or a similar point on the primary road for a perfect match, but the Junction Wizard can also handle the situation when the vertical elevation is relatively close to the stationing/chainage where the junction will occur.

Start the Junction Wizard and follow the steps described below. The function must be started from the secondary road.

Additional practical preparations

If these practical preparations are not done the function might return an error message regarding these issues.

Step 1 of 4

Figure 3: Step 1 of 4 in creating a junction

Since the Junction Wizard must be started from the secondary road, the secondary road is already filled in with the active road model. Add the primary road with the […]-button.

Step 2 of 4

Figure 4: Step 2 of 4 in creating a junction

The junction wizard allows the primary and secondary roads to intersect each other at either one or two points. If there are more than two intersection points (ex. a T-junction at each end, and an X-junction at the middle) you must split the secondary road model into shorter road models, each of which will intersect a maximum of two times with the primary road model.

The junction wizard will connect to the intersections one at a time. If there is a junction to be made at each end of the road model, then you will need to run the junction wizard two times.

Step 3 of 4

Figure 5: Step 3 of 4 in creating a junction

The junction wizard will automatically recommend which surfaces to connect. However, if you are not satisfied with the recommendations you can edit the connecting surfaces manually. The Left and Right tabs control the connections at the left and right side of the junction respectively, looking into the junction from the secondary road.

The connecting surfaces are listed in the Primary and Secondary columns. If you click one of the automatically recommended surfaces in the secondary column a drop-down menu will appear. This drop-down menu will allow you to change the secondary surface that the primary surface will connect to. You can also select "-" from the drop-down menu. Selecting this option will cause the primary surface in question not to be connected to any secondary surface.

The alignments will be generated automatically.

Step 4 of 4

Figure 6: Step 4 of 4 in creating a junction

Enter the required radius of the edge of the road at the junction. The wizard will show some default values, but these values can be altered if they do not suit the junction you have designed. The sizes of the radius R1, R2, and R3 are entered for the left-hand side of the junction and the sizes of the radii R4, R5, and R6 are entered for the right-hand side.

If a compound curve is not required, then the same value should be entered to all three values on any given side.

Select also whether you want the vertical alignments to be curved (Radii) or straight (Linear) lines. You can select whichever option is more suitable to the vertical alignment of your primary and secondary road model.


When you have completed steps 1 through 4 in the junction wizard you will be given the option to click Finish. You will now be shown the build dialog twice to build each of the road models.

You should now have a smooth transition between your road models at the intersection point.