After a template is created the pavement layers can be edited through the pavement description table in the bottom half of the dialog.
To access the pavement layers, press the Pavement tab in the Road Pavement Dialog.
Ensure that the correct template is active before describing/modifying the pavement.
In the pavement description table there are some columns:
The leftmost column contains the surface number and surface name.
The rightmost column contains the total pavement thickness if there is a value in every pavement layer cell.
The rest of the columns contain the pavement layers from the uppermost to the bottommost when looking left to right.
Expand and collapse the surface type by clicking the "-" and "+" in the left column.
The rows in the pavement table are sorted with the left surfaces on top and the right surfaces on the bottom. Both sides are shown from the reference alignment and outwards to either side.
Road pavement information can be defined for each road surface in surface groups 0 to 3 that are in use in the road model.
The pavement layer for each surface is given its own column. The pavement name is shown at the top of each column.
Each Pavement surface can hold information about:
Pavement thickness (defined in meters)
'Insert Edge'-function (see below)
'Layer Properties'-function (see Pavement and Layer Properties)
Pavement description should be defined for both sides (left and right) of the centerline.
Pavement is described by layers extending outwards from the centerline.
For the succeeding (outwards) road surfaces, use the options Inherit, Inherit Slope, and End:
Inherit (Default option) - The value of the cell will be inherited from the layer of the preceding road surface in the active cross-section. The slope is inherited from the road surface.
NOTE: The 'inherit' takes the thickness from the pavement stack which is to related to a road surface that exists in the active cross-section. Depending on the design this pavement stack will in many cases be different from the previous surface's pavement stack found the dialog. The inheriting may be getting its information from a pavement stack that is closer to the center of the road.
Inherit slope - The slope will be inherited from the preceding road surface, continuing the slope outwards (see figure below).
End - Terminates the pavement layer within this road surface.
Key-in the following letters in the cell to activate the options:
I for Inherit
S for Inherit slope
E for End
Alternatively, these options can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the cell by right-clicking.
These options can be defined in a single operation for all the layers (row) using the shortcut menu on the surface heading (first column).
Copy (Ctrl C) and Paste (Ctrl V) options can be used for multiple cells as well.
Copy to opposite side:
The whole description or individual surfaces (left side or right side) can be copied to the other side with the option Copy to opposite side from the shortcut menu on the cells in the leftmost column.
The description of a road surface (row) can be copied to the other side of the alignment with the option Copy to opposite side of the shortcut menu of that surface.
If you do not wish to start the pavement with full thickness all the way from the centerline, then define the thickness to 0.000 on the layers closest to the centerline and then add the desired thickness from a specific road surface. Also consider using the 'Insert Edge' function described below.
Insert Edge
Use this option to insert a leftward or rightward slope for the pavement (superstructure) at the edge of the desired road surface
The edge will be inserted at the left/right end point of the selected surface
Select the surface from the first column of the table Pavement and hit the button Insert edge with leftward/rightward slope
This option can also be activated from the right-click menu
Two rows will be inserted in the table Pavement for the description of the edge
Define the Step Width and Step Slope for the layers in the table
The Delete edge option of the right-click menu will delete the edge.
The slopes will cut the pavement if no defined pavement comes after the inserted edge.
When two opposing edges are inserted towards eachother they will remove the pavement between them regardless if the pavement is defined or not between them. If the two opposing edges are in contact with eachother they will merge and blend together.
See examples of the Edge function in use in the figures below.
Examples of Pavement descriptions
Figure 1: The Pavement dialog showing different inputs
Figure 2: Pavement (Inherit Slope)
A = -1.01 L. Lane 1 (Road surface)
B = -2.01 L. Shoulder 1 (Road surface)
C = -4.01 L. Ditch 1 (Road surface)
D = Pavement layers for the surface B when using 'Inherit Slope' (Slope is inherited from the preceding road surface (A))
Examples of using the Edge function
Figure 3: Pavement (Insert Edge)
Figure 4: Pavement (Insert Edge)
A = Left surface with an 'edge with a rightward slope'
B = Left surface with an 'edge with a leftward slope'
C = Inherit slope (notice that the slope of the roadbed and the road surface are different in this location)
D = Right surface with an 'edge with a leftward slope'
Pavement (Insert Edge - 2)
The slope (inserted edge) will cut the pavement. A slope in the opposite direction will be needed to continue the pavement.
Below shown are two cases; one with a single edge within the pavement and the other with two edges (opposite in direction with each other).
In the first case, the pavement is terminated with the edge.
In the second case, the pavement is continued.
Figure 5: Pavement (Insert Edge - 2)
A = Edge with rightward slope within the pavement, because of which the pavement is terminated
B = Edge with leftward slope within the pavement, because of which the pavement is continued
Next topic: Inner Slope