Set Object Elevation
Use this tool to define elevations on selected objects with respective to surface elevations defined in the Elevation from Surface-task. This task is created in Quadri for Windows, and is what is referred to when talking about "terrain" in this description and in the dialog.
Elevations are assigned at the break points (i.e., a straight-line is given the calculated elevation at its end points, a polyline receives the calculated heights at every vertex).
The calculated elevations will be assigned to the respective break points.
Make sure you have selected the correct task to reference the elevations from.
When starting the task it asks for a Terrain Design task definition. Pick the task to use.
Adjustment to terrain
Plane surface (lowest point)
All the break points are given the same elevation based on the break point that gives the lowest elevation.
Plane surface (gravity point)
All the break points are given the same elevation based on elevation in the midpoint of the polyline.
Follows the terrain
All the breakpoints are set with elevation that the definition of the Elevation task gives in the breakpoint.
The object raises (m)
Use this option to define the vertical shift of the elevation results for the object.
For example, 10.00 means the entity is adjusted 10.0m higher, -2.00 positions the entity is adjusted 2.0 m lower.
Having defined all the parameters, click 'OK' to run the tool.
The function asks you to select the objects to move vertically.
After selecting the objects to move vertically, then press ENTER on the keyboard.
The selected objects will be assigned elevations. The objects will be converted to 3D entities.