Convert Arc to Straight Lines
Use this function to convert an arc (source) into 3D polyline with a series of straight lines (more break points). The curvature of the converted 3D polyline with the source can be controlled with the parameter Accuracy.
The source can be arc/circle/polyline/spiral.
The line segments of the source will be intact (no additional break points).
If a line is selected as the source, it will be simply changed to 3D polyline.
The length of the sub-divided straight lines is determined by the radius/parameter (spiral) and accuracy.
The elevation of the converted 3D polyline will be the same as that of the source.
Command prompts for:
Select a circle/arc/polyline:
Pick the source that is to be converted as 3D Polyline (program accepts only one entity).
Degree of accuracy <1.00>
Enter the accuracy number (a numeric value) that controls the closeness of the 3D polyline with that of the source.
Table 1: Degree of accuracy
Any value from 0.1 to 3.0 or higher can be used. For further details, refer to Accuracy in Create 3D - Line.