Plant Bed (one species)

This function is used to set out and calculate plan symbols in a plant bed with or without a description. It is also possible to only set out plant points without the symbol. You will also get an annotation label with the number of symbols and type and symbol description. You can add a symbol description and insert text while inserting the symbols, or you can add this information later using the 'Object menu (NCO)'.

MOUS_ICO Menu: Landscape > Planting Design > Plant Bed (One Species)

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Planting Design: Plant Bed (One Species)

Starting the function will show these command prompts: Enter the plantation area (perimeter): Pick a line, arc, polyline:<Enter> = Read from file Ok Select a line, lines, or polylines. The direction of the line will start at end of the first element you selected. If you press enter you will get a dialog that enables you to read an alignment from a ten table, INH file, or LIN file. Pick a line, arc, polyline/Undo: Initiation is OK (7 elements) Enter the path for plant rows: Element/<Points>: This function is used to the side the angle of the symbols. Element is an existing element in the drawing. If you select a point, you can point at points in the drawing to determine the angle. Define what you want to do from the dialog.

Parameters for symbol placement

Before using this function you should read the topics Single and Row. The single topic describes setting out a single plant. The row topic describes the use of the row function. The description below concentrates on the parameters that differ from the topic single.


If this is activated the symbols will be placed in a staggered pattern (triangle pattern) with the given row distance and plant distance


If this is activated the symbols will be placed in a parallel pattern (square pattern) with the given row distance and plant distance


If this is activated the symbols will be placed in a random pattern using the row distance and plant distance +- 1/3 of the given row and plant distance.

Dist. boundary line

This distance determines the placement of the plant from the chosen baseline. A help line will be drawn temporarily to make it easier to place the first plant. Fill out the parameters and press OK. You get the following command prompt: Select position for the first plant in the bed ←27574.20,240511.35,0.00>: If you have typed in a value for the distance boundary line, this line will be temporarily drawn and you can snap the first plant to the line

Symbol overview:

46 (100.00%) (IDUOU\PPDEC001.DWG)

46 total.

Label plants? Yes/<No> : n If you select label plants you will be prompted to point at the start and end point of the annotation label.