Elevation Tables

Use the following procedure to generate the Elevation Tables for the points selected with the tool 'Elevation Annotations', with annotation types Alpha Numerical/Arabic Numerical/Roman Numerical. The tool writes the elevation details for selected reference points. Instead of writing the table to AutoCAD, you can write the details to a file.

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Tools Elevation Tables

The dialog box 'Elevation Annotation Table' will pop up.

Existing Tables

Elevation Tables that were generated/drawn or saved earlier will be listed at this pull-down menu. You can select any of them again and generate/write them to the file, if desired.

When you are using the function for the first time or you are not having any tables saved, the list will be blank. You need to give a name for the table that is being generated at the field 'Table Heading'. Opt 'Save Table' if the same table is to be retrieved in the future.

Table Heading

Give a name for the table, which is being generated. The same heading will be written when generated/written to file. The details will be stored with the name defined here if the button 'Save Table' is used, which can be used for identification in the future.

Save Table

The Save table button stores the details. The list gets the name written in Table Heading. Note: Saving a table is not compulsory to generate a table. You can generate the table without saving it.


Shows a list of all the reference points, which were generated with the tool 'Elevation Annotations'. You need to select the reference point from this list for which a table is to be inserted in AutoCAD with coordinate details or the details are to be written to a file.


Press the ←Add button to select the reference points. The selected reference points will be listed in the field Include. Highlight the reference point in the list Available and click &ltAdd. You can select multiple points by holding the key Shift or Ctrl.


You can remove selected points from the list Include. Highlight the reference point in the list Include and click Remove. You can select multiple points by holding the key Shift or Ctrl.

Draw Table

The table will be generated in AutoCAD. The table can be inserted in the drawing in both WCS and UCS. You can also insert the table directly in Paperspace. Command prompts for:

Pick the upper left corner of the table:

Select the insertion point. The upper left corner of the table is the insertion point.

Note: If you move a reference point on the drawing, the table is to be regenerated to update the changes and the old table must be erased.

The table will be drawn on a new layer B_Tabell (Novapoint creates).

Write to file/KOF file

The options write the table details to a file/KOF.

See the below shown e.g. table. The table heading was defined as Test Project - Elevation Detail.