Ditch Bottom

This shortcut menu is only available in the vertical window.

On top of the menu, you find information identifying the selected element, which type of element it is, and where it is.

The shortcut menu for Ditch Bottom has the following selections:

Ditch Bottom

Section (<NodeX> - <NodeY>)

Insert Vertex

This function is used for inserting vertices in the ditch bottom. Place the crosshair upon the ditch bottom in the point you want to insert a vertex, press the right mouse button, and select Insert Vertex from the menu.

Click the ditch bottom to see that a vertex has appeared on the ditch bottom. Please notice that the vertex appears in the point of the ditch bottom in which the crosshair is situated when you press the right mouse button.

Update relative to lowest pipe >

This function is used for updating the thickness of the pipe foundation e.g. if a pipe during editing of the project has gotten lower than the ditch bottom.


The function takes effect for each section and is run from the following location:

Place the crosshair upon the ditch bottom in the section where the foundation thickness is to be edited and press the right mouse button.

Select Update relative to lowest pipe > Section

The command prompts for:

Bottom elevation offset from lowest pipe (cm) ? <15.00> :

Key in the desired foundation thickness and confirm by pressing Enter.

The foundation thickness is updated in the selected section.


The function takes effect for the whole trench and is run from the following location:

Place the crosshair upon the ditch bottom upon the ditch bottom in an optional section of the trench to be edited and press the right mouse button.

Select Update relative to lowest pipe > Trench

The command prompts for:

Bottom elevation offset from lowest pipe (cm) ? <15.00> :

Key in the desired foundation thickness and confirm by pressing Enter.

The foundation thickness is updated along the whole trench.