Intersection Between Two Alignments
Use this function to calculate the intersection angles between two lines, which can be alignments in the database (Quadri model) or CAD 2D/3D lines/polylines/arc elements. The function calculates and lists the mathematical details related to the intersection of the selected elements.
The intersection of the two lines/alignments in the plan must use this function (both the alignments need not have the same elevation at the intersecting point).
The result summary can be copied to the clipboard and from there to other programs, such as Notepad, Excel, or Word.
Moreover, the function facilitates to offset the selected lines and analyze.
The analysis will be done for Chainage, Northing & Easting of intersection points, Bearing, Gradient, Horizontal offset, Element number, Element type, and Elevation difference at intersection points in plan (selected lines might not intersect in 3D).
Run the function from the following locations:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Alignment Analysis: Intersection between two Alignments
MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Alignment Analysis > Intersection between two Alignments
MOUS_ICO Ribbon: Alignment Analysis: Intersection between two Alignments
The dialog Intersection between lines will pop up.
The upper part of the dialog has fields Master line, Second line, ellipse button, select button, and Reset.
Use the ellipse button to select the alignment from the Quadri Model and the select button to select the CAD elements.
When pressing the ellipse button, the dialog Quadri Lines pops up where all alignments available in the terrain model are listed. Select the desired alignment.
When pressing the select button user is allowed to pick the elements from the CAD drawing. Follow the command prompt.
Offset - Specify horizontal offset for each line if necessary.
Options - This button opens the dialog where users can specify the relation between the coordinate system in the terrain database and the current UCS in CAD.
The program automatically calculates the intersection data as soon as both lines are defined.
A message appears on the command line if the lines do not intersect.
The results are listed in the incorporated spreadsheet in the dialog Intersection between lines and should be self-explanatory.
Reset - Use this to clear the dialog.
Draw - Use this button to insert annotation for included angle and the chainages of the lines/alignments at the intersection.
The alignments are to be drawn before calling this function to use this option.
Click this button and follow the command prompt:
Pick where to locate label:
MOUS_ICO Pick the location for the label (chainages of the intersecting lines/alignments at the intersection)
Pick where to locate angle:
MOUS_ICO Pick the location for the intersection angle
Figure 1: Illustration for Label at Intersection of Lines/Alignments
A = Label for included angle
B = Label for chainages of intersecting lines/alignments at the intersection
C = Alignment/Line
D = Alignment/Line
Next topic: DrawÂ