Offset 3D Lines
Use this function to design 3D objects (curb stones, hard shoulders, carriageway edge structures, etc.,) along an existing line (baseline) and present the same in plan. This function is also available from the modules Landscape, Road, and Civil Construction.
Select the option 'Select Template'.
Use an existing template or create a new cross-section.
Modify the active template if required.
For further details, see 'Select Template' below.
Define the maximum length of each line in the 3D parallel lines being created (for break points).
Pick the baseline, along which the cross-section is being created.
Present the cross-section in the plan using the option 'Draw'.
Run the function from the following locations:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Terrain design: Offset 3D-lines
MOUS_ICO Menu: Terrain > Terrain design > Offset 3D-Lines
Tip: Shortcut to this function:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Novapoint Base: object_menu
Command prompts for:
Select an Entity:
MOUS_ICO Pick a 3D Polyline (Baseline)
MOUS_ICO Select the flyout menu option '3D - Lines'
Select side of baseline for Kerb:
MOUS_ICO Pick a point to the left or right side of the baseline to define the direction of the object
The dialog 'Create Parallel 3D-Line' will pop up.
The graphic area illustrates the parameters to define the cross-section
Select Template
Select this option for the following:
to select an existing object template
to modify an existing template
to create a new object (cross-section)
to draw the cross-section of the active template
The dialog 'Cross-section Template' will pop up with this option. All the existing templates will be listed in the pull-down menu at 'Width and Cross Slopes'.
Select an existing template. The active template will be displayed in the preview.
Hit the button 'OK'.
Modify an existing template
Select the template that is to be modified.
Modify the cross-section using the parameter under 'Widths and Cross Slopes'.
Any changes made to the parameters of the active cross-section are reflected in the graphic area.
Hit the button 'Save'.
Create a new cross-section (object) do the following
Select a suitable template.
Name the template at the edit field next to the button 'Save'.
Modify the cross-section using the parameters under 'Width and Cross Slopes'.
Hit the button 'New'.
The cross-sections will be saved in the project file (*.NCP).
For further details, refer to 'project_ID'.
Draw Cross-section
Use this option to draw the cross-section of the active template.
Command prompts for:
Select a point:
MOUS_ICO Pick an insertion point (baseline) for cross-section
Enter direction by point:
MOUS_ICO Pick a point that indicates the direction from the cross-section with the baseline (left/right side)
Widths and Crossfall
a, b, c, h, s, and 1 are the parameters as illustrated in the preview of the dialog 'Create Parallel 3D - Lines'
Modify the parameters if required
Reset Values
Resets all parameters (if changed) to original values of the template 'Kerb'
Line Control
Use this option to add more break points to the parallel 3D lines in the plan for the active object.
The length of each straight line is to be specified at the field 'Maximum length each line'.
The smaller the length, the parallel 3D lines will follow the baseline relatively well.
Define a value and confirm with the key 'Return'.
Pick Baseline <
Use this option to pick the baseline, along which the 3D parallel lines in the plan are to be drawn.
Command prompts for:
Select a baseline:
MOUS_ICO Pick the baseline
Select side of baseline for curb:
MOUS_ICO Pick a point to the left or right side of the baseline to define the direction of the object
Use this option to present the 3D parallel line.
Object menu (NCO)
For the associated functions of the lines drawn using this function, run the function 'object_menu'.
For further details, refer to '3D Line'.
Next topic: Slope Surface