Draw Longitudinal Profile Table

Use the following procedure to generate the longitudinal geometry data of structure in a tabular form, which will be inserted in AutoCAD drawing. Geometry Tables can be used along with the general layout drawings for bridges and structures.

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Longitudinal Geometry Draw Longitudinal Profile Table

When you run the function for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a scale if the scale has not been previously been set.


For example, you enter 50 for a scale of 1:50. The scale will affect the size of the text.

After you have selected the scale, a dialog box will pop up, which lists all the geometry tables defined earlier.

Existing geometry table definition

If you have already defined one or more geometry tables, you can pick one of these from the list to the left of the dialog box and then select Select. A definition of this geometry table will then be displayed in the dialog box 'Geometry Table'. You will then be free to make changes/redefine the values, which are stored and recalculate the values.

Delete geometry table definition

If you want to delete any of your geometry table definitions, you select the definition that is to be deleted and use the key Delete.

New geometry table definition

The first time you use the function, you select New for a new geometry table definition. The dialog box 'Geometry Table' will pop up, in which you will define your geometry table.

After you have selected New, the dialog box 'Geometric Table' will pop up, in which you have to give a name for the geometric table being defined. Enter the desired name at the field Name.

You choose the start and end stations for the drawing, plus the interval between calculated stations, as well as the road parameters you want to include in the table.


If you are defining a new geometric table, you must give it a name. This name is the definition of the data set that describes your geometric table.

From/To Station

Novapoint Bridge Professional will suggest From/To Stations, Interval between the stations for which plan values are to be calculated, Text height, Stationing, etc. You can change these values, but From/To Station values must be located between the start and end key cross-sections. You will also select the lines on the cross-section, which are to be drawn. You can also change these values after you have defined points to be drawn.


The interval will determine how densely you want the table values to be calculated and output. The most usual thing would be to use 10 or 20 m.

Text height

You can also select the text height for annotations on the longitudinal profile. The text height will depend on the scale defined. If you want a text height of 3.5 mm on the finished plot, you should select a text height equal to 3.5 times the scale. In other words, a text height of 350 mm for a scale of 1:100, 700 mm for 1:200, etc. The default text height is 3.5 mm on the final output drawing.

Widths and Cross Slopes

Width right and left, and also cross-slope right and left, are not in use in this version of Novapoint Bridge.

Table contents

The options at the right in the dialog box will determine what will be the output in the table. Mark the desired checkboxes.


If Station is marked, the stations specified at From/To Stations in addition to the stations specified by the interval value will be included in the table.

Road elevation

Outputs the centreline elevation of the road.

Terrain elevation

Outputs the terrain elevation in the centreline. This value will be loaded from the database (Digital Terrain Model). The accuracy of this depends on the accuracy of data in the database.

Vertical alignment

The output of the parameters and an oblique stroke for indicating the transition between the elements in the vertical alignment of the road.

Horizontal alignment

The output of the horizontal curvature parameters and an oblique stroke for the transition between the different road elements.


Reserves a place in the table for values of the widening extension on the left and the right sides. The values will not be calculated in this version of Novapoint Bridge.


Reserves a place in the table for entering values for the cross-slope on the left and the right sides. The values will not be calculated in this version of Novapoint Bridge.


You can draw the geometry table using the option Draw at the bottom of the dialog box 'Geometry Table'. Command prompts for:

Calculating station: ;[m]

When you select Draw, the station number currently being calculated will be displayed on the command line.

Pick insertion point:

Pick the insertion point of the table.

This is the point that will define the top left corner of the geometry table. See the example Geometric table is shown below.


The text in the geometry table will be drawn on layer B-GEOTABLE while the lines are drawn on STRUCTURES-TABLE. In addition, Novapoint Bridge will create a layer under the name of STRUCTURES-SYSTEM. This layer will contain hidden entities for storing project data. The status of the layer is set to 'freeze' by the program to avoid considering it during the following actions:


You can save your geometry table by selecting the OK button in the geometry table dialog box. You can then load and draw the geometry table on a later occasion.