Give Contour Elevation (Z-value)

Give contour elevation (z-value) is a function to give elevation (z-value) to polylines with a user-dependent start value and interval.

Run the function from:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Terrain > Terrain design > Give contour elevation (z-value)

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Terrain design > Give contour elevation (z-value)

Working procedure

When the function is activated, the command prompts for:

Select objects:

Select the lines that are to get a z-value. The order of the selected lines is important. The first selected line should be the line with the lowest or highest value, then the other lines should be selected in an increasing or decreasing order.

The command prompts for:

Contour elevation <0.00> :

Set the elevation value of the first selected line

The command prompts for:

Contour interval <5.00> :

Set the interval of the elevation (negative value if the first selected line has the highest elevation) or use 'Enter' for default value (5.00m).