Copy Point Elevations
Use this tool to copy point elevations and slopes.
Note: The AutoCAD command “copy” does not work on point elevations.
Find it here:
MOUS_ICO Menu: Landscape > Levelling tools II > Copy point elevations
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Levelling tools II: Copy point elevations
About administrating point elevations
The leveling tools are a set of functions working within the DWG file as well as interacting with the active terrain model. Editing and calculating point elevations must be done by using the leveling tools only! It does not work to use AutoCAD functions like move, copy, copyclip/paste, properties, attribute editor, etc. in order to edit or manage the appearance of point elevations in Novapoint Landscape
Styles for point elevations and slope arrows can be created and managed inside New point elevations setup.
Next topic: Copy Point Elevations 2