Draw Horizontal Alignment
This function draws selected alignment(s) or/and sets a drawing style. This function facilitates to select alignment(s) from:
The Quadri Model
Alignment(s) data file (*.TIT, *.LIN, *.DAT, *.INH, and *.LI)
From the current drawing
Run the function from the following locations:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Draw Horizontal Alignment
MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Draw Horizontal Alignment > Draw Horizontal Alignment...
MOUS_ICO Ribbon: Draw Horizontal Alignment: Draw Horizontal Alignment
The dialog Draw Horizontal Alignments will pop up.
Select the desired alignment(s).
Select the desired drawing style.
Click Draw.
Select Alignments
Select the alignment to be drawn using any of the options Object, Pick from Drawing, and File.
Object - Use this option to select alignment(s) from the active database.
Select desired object(s) to be drawn from the dialog Quadri Lines and click OK.
Multiple alignments can be selected by holding the Shift or Ctrl keys.
Pick from Current Drawing - Use this option to select the alignment(s) from the current drawing.
Click the option and follow the command prompt. Confirm the selection using key Return.
Use the standard CAD selection procedures for selecting multiple alignments.
File - Use this option to select alignment(s) available in ASCII file formats (*.TIT, *.LIN, *.LI, *.INH, and *.DAT).
The dialog Select TenTable will pop up. Select the file format at the field File of Type, browse to the desired file and click Open.
Multiple alignments can be selected by holding the Shift or Ctrl keys.
Drawing Scale
The current drawing scale is displayed. To change the drawing scale, exit this function and run the function drawing_scale.
View Direction
Use this field to define the rotation of the label/annotations depending on the angle at which the drawing is viewed.
To turn on the tool, enter the angle at which the labels are to be rotated.
To turn off the function enter value less than zero.
Select the unit of angular measurement from the drop-down menu (see Figure 1 below).
Figure 1: Selection of unit of angular measurement
Figure 2: Examples of orientations of labels
A = Orientation of labels (for a particular Text Orientation) for all view angles when view direction is not opted.
B = Orientation of labels for view angle 0° and view direction is enabled.
C = Orientation of labels for a view angle of 65° and view direction is enabled.
D = Labels (text representing chainage, radius, length, parameter, deflection angle, elevation, K-value, tangent point, etc.).
E = Label with a correction of 180° applied to the Text Orientation as a result of enabling the view direction (Pre-requisite: The label is set to View Related in Alignment Style Configuration).
F = View angle.
Select Drawing Style
Select the desired drawing style from the pull-down menu, which lists all the pre-defined and user-defined drawing styles for the alignment.
Note: The selected drawing style will be the active drawing style for other alignments until changed.
Use the filter option to filter the available styles in the drop-down list (customize the pull-down menu).
The dialog Horizontal Alignment Style Select will pop up, which lists all the styles.
Use the check box to customize the pull-down menu Select Drawing Style.
It is possible to change the file path to your Horizontal Alignment Drawing Styles if they are stored in a different location than the default.
Use the option Preview for a preview of the active drawing style.
Next topic: Draw Chainage Break Symbol