Bridge Task

Before you start working with Novapoint Bridge, you must create a new Bridge Task in Quadri for Windows. 

Find the function here:

Novapoint tab > Bridge

Create a New Bridge Task

Now continue the work in your CAD software by assigning the task found in Quadri from the task selector.

Key Sections

When you press the Key Sections button, the dialog box 'Key Section' will pop up, which lists all the key sections in the selected Bridge Database.

Road lines

When you press the Road Lines button, the dialog box 'Road Lines for chosen VIPS Project' will pop up, which lists all the road lines for the actual Road Model (VIPS) together with the first and last station number for the road. Only one road line can be used as a reference line for each Road Model (VIPS). The reference line is usually the centerline of the road. The actual reference line is shown as the Main Alignment on the dialog box 'Novapoint Project - ID'.