Novapoint Downloads

Novapoint Release Notes

Check here for release notes where you also find information about compatibility breaks and known issues.

Trimble Geodetic Library

Quadri for Windows uses Trimble Geodetic Library (TGL), and to create a Quadri model you need it.

If it is not already installed, you can install it from here.

About our updates

We expect all users of our softwares to be updated so that they are working on one of the released versions listed below. We also expect our users to ensure they are working on the latest updates within the available versions.

New updates will be shipped only on the latest version available. Critical fixes may be shipped on older supported versions.

This is our policy.

Novapoint 2024

install includes Quadri for Windows

Integration with Quadri Shared Model

With Quadri for Windows model sharing can be performed via;


with Trimble Drawing 2024

Main install: Novapoint 2024 TDr


Trimble Drawing 2024: version 3509

with AutoCAD 2025

Main install: Novapoint 2024_Ac25


AutoDesk software compatibility

Novapoint 2024 (ac25) supports using AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D.

with AutoCAD 2021-2024

Main install: Novapoint 2024_Ac21


AutoDesk software compatibility

Novapoint 2024 (ac21) supports using AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D. Valid versions are 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

NOTE: When doing a fresh install, make sure to download the main install + updates to get the latest updates.

Previous releases

Novapoint 2023

install includes Quadri for Windows

Integration with Quadri Shared Model

With Quadri for Windows model sharing can be performed via;


with Trimble Drawing 2023

Main install: Novapoint 2023.4 TDr


Trimble Drawing 2023: version 4520

with AutoCAD 2021-2024

Main install: Novapoint 2023_Ac21


AutoDesk software compatibility

Novapoint 2024 (ac21) supports using AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D. Valid versions are 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

NOTE: AutoCAD 2024 is only supported from Novapoint 2023.2.

NOTE: When doing a fresh install, make sure to download the main install + updates to get the latest updates.

Novapoint 2022

install includes Quadri for Windows

Integration with Quadri Shared Model

With Quadri for Windows model sharing can be performed via;


with Trimble Drawing 2022

Only released for select customers.

Contact support if you need to download this combination of software.

with AutoCAD 2021-2024

Main install: Novapoint 2022_Ac21


AutoDesk software compatibility

Novapoint 2024 (ac21) supports using AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D. Valid versions are 2021, 2022 and 2023.

with AutoCAD 2019-2020

Main install: Novapoint 2022_Ac19


AutoDesk software compatibility

Novapoint 2024 (ac21) supports using AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D. Valid versions are 2021, 2022 and 2023.

NOTE: When doing a fresh install, make sure to download the main install + updates to get the latest updates.