Problems editing the road task/model
Answer: In some situations the project or road task may crash in a process. There may be many reasons for this, both inside and outside the software, but shouldn't happen regularly. After a crash or other errors the road model files may not be accessible or the user experience they cannot continue their work inside the task, being unable to edit and building the task.
You need to retreive a backup of the indata to be able to continue your work.
Here are a few methods/tips on how to get your road design back:
Get the indata parameter file
From the road task it is possible to extract a XML-indatafile, also known as the PARAM-file.
Export it from Import/Export inside the road task.
Then read it into a new road task and see if it is able to build OK.
If it is successful, then reconnect all successor tasks to this new road task.
Quadri server project
First rule is to not share the problematic task to the Quadri server. Most likely the files in the cloud are still OK. Here are some options to proceed:
Ask a colleague to export their version of the files to you (no task reservation necessary)
Or, download a new workset for the Quadri server and extract the files yourself (no task reservation necessary)
Then Disconnect and remove the newly downloaded project at your discression so you don't work on two different worksets
Local project
For local projects there are no backup in the cloud (as for Quadri Server projects). In these situation you normally have only ONE set of project files.
However, if the project files are stored on your companies network/fileserver, then:
check with your IT-department if the folder where the project is stored is part of a backup-rutine
then ask them to retreive an earlier version of your road model files.
What to do with the backup files
In normal situations, the backup files can be used to swap out existing road model files in the project (for Quadri server prosjects it is important to first ensure you have reserved the task in question!). To do this, locate the road task files on your drive and swap them out (at this point it may also be wise to make a backup of the “corrupted” files, just in case).
In few situations the task itself is problematic, and it may be necessary to make a new road task and read in the road model files through the task template “From Exiting model” for *.DMI or *.GEN.
After the road task builds OK you can continue your work.
If you made a new road task, then reconnect all task connections to the new task inside the project by editing the successors.
Note: We have done changes to avoid this problem from NP2020.FP1. That road model files that are already corrupted in previous versions will still be corrupted in NP2020.FP1 and forward.
Warning: IF you are not able to retreive backup-files, then there is probably no other alternative than to build up the road task with all its descriptions from scratch. Before doing that, check with your Novapoint support channel if they can solve the problem with your files. Pick the DMI/DMR files from the project file folder and send them over.