Use this function to design the median along any selected reference line.
The resulting Median will be a 2D drawing.
Elevations to the 2D median drawing can be defined using the Elevation Tools.
The function does not modify the road model or the Quadri database.
Run the function from the following location:
MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Intersection Tools > Median
The dialog MidLane will pop up.
The unit of measurement is meters.
Define the parameters and click Create < to select the reference line.
Parameter description:
First chainage (ch.) - Defines the first chainage for the median.
Length of start segment (St) - Define the length from the start chainage.
Length of middle segment (Lm) - Define the length of the middle segment of the median, the width is constant for this element.
Length of end segment (SI) - Define the length of the end segment of the median.
Expansion, right side (ih) - Define the width of the median from the reference line to the right side.
Expansion, left side (iv) - Define the width of the median from the reference line to the left side.
Lane width, left side (bh) - Define the width of the carriageway to the left side of the median.
Lane width, right side (bv) - Define the width of the carriageway to the right side of the median.
Dimension velocity (Vd) - Define the design speed (km/h).
Create <
Define all the parameters and click Create <.
Command prompts for:
Pick location on centerline for median start point:
Select the reference line/centerline/alignment, along which median is to the draw.
Move <
This function makes the entire median slide along the reference line. Pick the new chainage by pointing at the new start point. Alternatively, the start chainage can be defined in the dialog MidLane.
Figure 1: Example Median
A = Median Plan
B = Reference line / Centerline / Alignment
St = Length of Start Segment (St)
Lm = Middle Segment (Lm)
Sl = Length of End Segment (Sl)
ih = Expansion, right side
iv = Expansion left side
bh = Lane width, right side
bv = Lane width, left side
Next topic: Deflecting Island