Parking Lot Design
Use this function to design and draw parking lots along the selected baseline.
Parking lots can be designed parallel, perpendicular, or at a desired angle to the baseline.
The total length of the parking lot will also be calculated (depending on the number of vehicles, length/width, and angle of parking) and displayed.
The parking lot will be drawn to the current layer.
Run the function from the following locations:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Tools: Parking Lot Design
MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Tools > Parking Lot Design
Command prompts for:
Pick a baseline:
Select the reference line (road edge line of the carriageway or shoulder/line/arc/polyline/Quadri object), along which the parking lot is to be designed.
A preview of the parking lot with default values will be shown.
The dialog Parking Lot Design will pop up.
Select the design vehicle from the pull-down menu for the parking area.
The length and width required to park the selected design vehicle will be displayed in the fields Length and Width (meters).
Parking Lot
Chainage - Define the start chainage for a parking lot.
The start chainage can also be selected from CAD using the button Move.
Count - Define the number of vehicles for parking using the spin buttons or enter the numeric value.
Length (meter) - Define the length of the parking area for each vehicle.
The default length depends on the selected design vehicle.
Width (meter) - Define the width of the parking area for each vehicle.
The default length depends on the selected design vehicle.
Distance between (meter) - Define the minimum gap to be provided between adjacent parking slots.
Angle - Define the angle (grad) of parking at the edit field.
For parallel parking, define 0.
For perpendicular parking, define 100.
Total width (meter) - The function calculates the total length/width required for the parking lot depending on the angle of the parking lot, number of vehicles, length/width of parking slot, and the gap between parking slots. The total width will be displayed in this field.
Swap side
The orientation of the parking lot with respect to the reference line is to be defined.
Mark the desired radio button.
The parking lot can be guided to the desired chainage by moving the cursor/mouse of CAD.
To fasten the parking lot again click the left mouse button.
Alternatively, the parking lot can be moved to the desired chainage by defining the chainage at the field Chainage.
Use the button OK to draw the parking lot.
Next topic: Select Direction of Traffic