Quantity Diagram Drawings

Use this function to generate mass (cut and fill quantity) diagrams reading the data from active road model.


Run the function form the following locations:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Drawing Generator: Draw Quantity Diagram

MOUS_ICO Menu: Road > Drawing Generator > Draw Quantity Diagram

The dialog Autodraw Quantity Diagrams will pop up.

Road Section


Plotting Parameters


Horizontal Scale (0 = Default)

Vertical Scale - Mass Diagram (0 = Default)

Vertical Scale - Cut/Fill Diagram (0 = Default)

Draw haul diagram

Mark the check box Draw haul diagram if the mass diagrams are to be drawn in the quantity diagrams.

Plot of section cut/fill

Mark the check box Plot of section cut/fill if the cut and fill quantities of the road are to be drawn in the quantity diagrams.

Material types

Select the types of the soils/materials, which are to be shown in the quantity diagrams.

Clear mass ordinate

Frozen X-axis

Values for each mass type in mass diagram


Color and Shading

Customize color and shading by selecting color/shading from the palette and applying to the different categories above. Use Default settings to reset dialog.


Use this button to generate the quantity diagrams to CAD.

Select the drawing sheet, define the orientation, select the title box using the button Title box and confirm with the button OK.

Command prompts for:

Enter drawing position <0.00, 0.00, 0.00>:

Pick the insertion point for the drawing sheets.