Split by Subsurface Subtypes

Note:  This page is written for those using Novapoint 21 and later.

The SubSurface task can make different layers of materials below the terrain that are different based on the Material Type and Classification that is set in the task.

Go straight to the chapter for:
Material Type

This tutorial aim to show how to separate the volumes in table view.

For a different approach we can add more attributes to the cut features in the conversion rule.

Material Type

There are a variety of Material types to choose from in the Subsurface task.
There are 5 subdivisions of the materialtypes Vegetation, Top Soil, Replacement Soil, Soil and Rock.

When the roadmodel cut through the different materials it will produce Cut-features that are solids that hold the volume values for each feature separately.

When using Table View to analyze the cut volumes coming from the road model it is possible to split between the features with the following workflow.

In this example the road model has different material types for soil cut.

1. Start a Table Summary task.

2. Pick to input the road task.

3. Pick the only the Cut features.

4. Start the customize function.

5. List by instance and check the box for “Auto add all attributes…”.

6. Press preview on the task.

We now see a listing of the data. From here we can start to filter the data further.

7. Add a attribute grouping based on 'earthenMaterial > civilEngineeringClassification' and we see the data grouped.

8. If you have multiple tasks contributing to the table summary it is possible to change the grouping style in the Customize function. 


Unfortunately the road model do not currently make different cut features based on the classification in the subsurface task.