Landscaping defines fill surfaces, which are to be laid out on top of the ordinary road surface, and/or verges, or cutting surfaces to indicate that some of the verges are to be leveled.
As opposed to fill on dedicated surfaces, landscaping can be described quite independently of the structure of the road and as far to the side of the road as there is terrain data.
E.g., landscaping for agricultural purposes, formation of verges, laying out mounds and slopes or extensions to the course of a river.
Landscaping is defined as a surface description, with widths and gradients on each individual surface.
The termination is referred to cuttings between the roadbed surface and the terrain.
The starting point will be a distance from the centerline, with reference to height or reference to a road surface.
In carrying out landscaping calculations, Novapoint will first find the starting point of the landscaping surface from the specified height/distance from the centerline.
From the starting point, the surfaces will be laid out one by one, up to a cutting in the terrain's top surface.
The type of cutting (specified in the dialog) will determine how far out the landscaping will be done - at the first cut of the terrain or at a cutting between the last landscaped surface and the terrain.
If one of the surfaces cuts the road top surface, the calculations will be stopped and an error message will be displayed.
Otherwise, a warning will be given when an erroneous landscape description is given.
Quantity calculations - In the quantity calculations, landscaping will be calculated as both fill and cut soil, but this soil will not be included in the ordinary soil profile.
The standard landscaping data report will output the results.
Sodding and landscaping can be used in the same profile. They can also be defined in the same part of the cross-section.
Run the function from the following location of the floating window Road Model:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Not available from Toolbar
MOUS_ICO Menu: Data > Cut and Fill Elements > Landscaping
The dialog box Landscaping will pop up.
Landscaping surface descriptions for the left and right sides are to be defined on respective tabs.
The upper table is used for defining each section and describes where and how surfaces start/end.
The lower table is used for describing the surfaces – containing one description for each section.
The buttons Insert and Delete are meant for rows in the table.
Select a row and use the button Insert to insert a new row. A new row will be inserted above the row selected.
Select a row and use the button Delete to delete the selected row.
Use the shortcut menu of the lower table for editing.
Values in the cell can also be copied using the plus symbol (activated when the cursor is at the corner of a cell) and dragging.
Upper table
Landscaping surfaces can be defined on a section basis. Define the section using the columns From and To. The section descriptions are sorted on the profile in ascending order. A new section has to be defined whenever the shape of a landscaping surface changes.
Start landscaping at
The starting point for a landscaping surface can be defined in any of the following methods using the pull-down menu of the cell:
Elevation: Choose this method to define an absolute height for the landscaping surface.
The software will use the first slope outside the shoulder edge that intersects with this height.
Vertical distance from main alignment: Choose this method to define relative height difference.
There may be several points on the road top surface or terrain top surface with that height.
The software will use the first slope outside the shoulder edge that intersects with this height.
Horizontal distance from main alignment: Choose this method to define distance (meter).
Use positive values.
The starting point must be located outside the shoulder edge.
If the distance is less, there will be an error message in the profile calculation and the landscaping will not be carried out.
Outer edge from any desired road surface: Choose this method to define the outer edge of any surface from the shoulder and outwards.
If the surface does not exist in a profile, Novapoint will search outwards to the next surface and will automatically insert landscaping from the outer edge of this surface.
This situation can occur, for example, when surface 4.1 is defined as the starting surface, and fill surfaces are laid out (no drainage ditch in the profile).
Select the suitable method described above.
End at
Cuttings in the terrain's top surface can be defined in two ways for the type of cutting:
Landscaping to be terminated at the first cutting of the terrain.
Landscaping to be carried out as described. Cutting of the terrain's top surface will be sought for the last surface in the description.
Select the suitable parameter.
Lower table
This part must at least have two rows – one row describing the start of the section and the other describing the end of the section.
Intermediate sections can be inserted at any given station if there is a need to change the surface description.
Start value
The input value depends on the method selected at Start landscaping at (upper table).
Width - The width of the surface is defined in meters.
The width can also to defined as unknown (applicable only for the outermost surface).
An unknown width will be defined as To Terrain or any character different from a numeric value in the width column.
Slope - The slope of the surfaces is to be defined as a ratio.
+/- signs are to be used to indicate upward/downward directions respectively.
Linear interpolation (for respective width and slope values) will be performed between the two profiles.
Landscaping surfaces up to a maximum of seven surfaces can be defined.
Define the width and slope values for the required number of landscaping surfaces.
Use this button to execute the function.
Next topic: Analysis