Draw Cross-Sections
The function draws the cross-sections that you have made in Novapoint, into the AutoCAD drawing.
Run the function from:
Ribbon: Novapoint > Drawing presentations from Quadri > Draw cross sections
The dialog box Select task will pop up.
Choose the wanted task and confirm with OK
The dialog box Draw cross sections with layout will pop up.
Drawing settings:
Select all the cross-sections you want to have in the layouts
Pick the insertion point, or use default 0,0
Additional drawing objects:
Select mass data (if you have done a mass calculation in the Road model) with the Draw hatched cross-sections and Draw quantity label options
You can also select Draw other alignments, Draw wireframes, Draw illustration symbol, and Existing objects
You can also select Design objects and Additional Model
Terrain settings:
Draw terrain As… Choose between Merged terrain surface or Original terrain surface
Sheet settings:
Select Sheet size and (optionally) a title block
Layout settings:
Specify Column and Row (Preview on the right side)
Drawing direction (most used is Bottum to top)
Drawing style setting:
Use wanted drawing style
Plot options:
Draw grid
Plot to file and give the File path
Prefix gives names to all the layouts
Make your choice and end the function with Draw.
Next topic: Terrain Information