Draw Contours from Grid Model
Use this function to generate a contour map based on a grid model.
The grid model is generated using the function 'Grid Model'.
This function generates a new contour map for projects with the existing terrain and new surveys or constructed terrain.
If a project is having two priorities (existing terrain and constructed new terrain), one can select desired priority to generate a contour map.
Run the function from:
Ribbon: Novapoint > Terrain Information > Draw Contours from Grid Model
The dialog box Contours from Grid Model will pop up.
Selecting the contour generation project file, grid file, and boundary line are defined on this tab. Use Browse… to select the grid file.
The Preview function can generate Contours, Contours with color, and Grid with color, so you can check the result before drawing to AutoCAD.
With Terrain/Elevation, you can select one of the levels for which that contour map is to be generated. E.g., if the grid file contains level 0 and level 1, select level 0 to generate a contour map of level 0 and level 1. Select level 1 to generate a contour map for level 1 alone.
To employ boundary settings, mark the check box 'Use Boundary'. The following methods can be used:
Selecting the boundary from active AutoCAD drawing:
Mark the radio button 'Select from AutoCAD' and select the boundary in AutoCAD.
When the polygon defining the boundary is moved in AutoCAD, the calculation and the preview will be adjusted to the boundary so that the boundary need not be selected again.
Selecting the boundary from the file:
Mark the radio button 'Select from File' and select the boundary file.
The boundary file can contain several boundaries. Select the boundary number to use, using the pull-down menu.
Note: All setup information will be saved to the project file.
Settings such as contour interval, limits of contour generation, draw options, and preview are defined on this tab.
Calculation settings
The contour map can be restricted using the minimum and maximum elevations.
Define the extents of the contour elevations (meters).
By default, the minimum and maximum elevation values (at 'Grid File Elevation') will be mapped at the Min. elevation and Max. elevation.
The interval of the contour is classified as contour line and index contour line.
Define the contour interval (meter).
Mark the check box 'Not use index contours', if they are not desired.
Elevation in the grid file
The minimum and maximum elevation values of the data in the grid model (selected on the tab 'Common') will be displayed in the respective fields.
Mark the check box 'Use smoothing', if you want to smooth your contour.
AutoCAD settings
Setting for the AutoCAD drawing with the desired 'Layer' for the 'contour line' and line type under 'Layout'. Wanted 'Layer' for the 'text' and type of text under 'Layout'.
The same setting is for the 'Index contour line'.
Next topic: Create Contour Colored Layering from 3DFaces