Sight Distance Analysis

Use this function for sight distance analysis. The following types of sight distance analysis can be performed:

Sight distance analysis is to be performed on the road model to verify that the necessary sight distance requirements are fulfilled.

Run the function from the following location in the Road task:

Analysis > Sight Distance Analysis

The dialog box Sight Distance Analysis will pop up.


Define the section for which analysis is to be performed.


Set the sight analysis method to use:

Calculation Parameter


The position of the driver on the road surface is defined using these options.

In the case of multiple lanes the desired lane or centerline itself can be used for analysis.

Surface Overlay

An overlay of specified thickness can be applied to terrain and/or roadside surfaces, to simulate the impact of vegetation, snow, etc., on sight visibility.

Reset values

All changes to parameter settings are stored within the road model. Press Reset values to reset dialog box settings to default values. The default settings are stored in a separate INI-file (RoadSA.INI) on the Novapoint installation.

Calculate >>

Having defined all the parameters, press this button to start the analysis process.

The calculation reports first column shows a listing of cross-sections in the forward direction (increasing stationing) and an equal listing in the reverse direction (decreasing stationing). Cross-sections are listed as interval defined in Settings - Stations.


When closing the dialog box, settings are stored to the road model, before returning to the Road Models main menu.

Sight Distance using Road Standard method

Calculation of minimum required Stop Sight distances

Calculation of required stop sight distance is based on physical rules of how far a vehicle will move before it stops.

This length is divided into three components:

Sight distance analysis formula

The theoretical background for sight distance (Ls) calculation uses this formula:

Ls = 0.278 * V * tr + V²/(254.3 * (f + s))

This formula used as default for standards where no other localized formula is implemented.

Table 1: When calculating stop sight these friction coefficients are used


For some road standards other formulas are implemented, and there is enabled some editing possiblities.

Meeting sight

Meeting sight

Passing sight

Sight Distance using User Defined method

It is possible to insert a fixed sight distance that the sight analysis will use. In addition it is possible to add adjustments which considers longitudinal slope and curvature. The adjustments are rounded to the closest meter.

Longitudinal adjustments

The use of this is to adjust the sight distance to subtract a sight distance length when in inclines, and to add sight distances in declines.

With the fixed length set to the point of zero addition between incline and decline we can use this example:

When the incline/decline of the road alignment is between 0 and maximum values, a linear approximation is used. Values are rounded to the closest meter.

Curvature adjustments

The use of this is to adjust the sight distance to subtract a sight distance length when in curves. The application is where the computation in a curve will give a shorter sight distance because of expected lower speed.

Considering a straight line to use the full fixed sight distance, from what radius (max. radius) will the subtraction start, and at what radius (minimum radius) will the subtraction stop - and apply the subtraction at this radius.


When the road alignment has radius between the min/max radius values, a linear approximation is used for the adjustments. Values are rounded to the closest meter.