The drop-down menu Settings includes the following selections:
Presentation Plan…
Presentation Longitudinal Profile…
Presentation Cross-Section…
The dropdown menu is found in the following location:
Under Configuration... you can control how the ditch is going to be presented. It includes the following tabs:
You can run the function from the following location:
This dialogue includes the following settings:
Pipe text in the plan view.
Frostproof depth in the project. Sets the depth of the ditch in the construction.
If the longitudinal gradient of the pipes is to be locked to a certain (least) value, this check box should be marked.
Rock shelf width in combined (rock/soil) ditches.
Pipe diameter to be exceeded in order to deduct volume from reported volumes of crushed stone surrounding the pipes in the ditch.
You can run the function from the following location:
This dialogue includes the following settings:
Scale limits for the drawing of the WS project.
Scale limit between mini and ordinary connector symbols. Connectors with a diameter less than stated here are drawn as mini connectors.
Default values
You can run the function from the following location:
This dialogue includes the following settings:
Default values for protection layer, side slopes, and distance between trench wall and pipes. These may be overruled in each individual ditch.
Default distances between pipes in a ditch.
You can run the function from the following location:
This dialogue includes the following settings:
Layer names, line types, and layer colors for the preview of the ditch cross-section, together with saving cross-section to .dwg. (Described under File, Preview to .dwg….)
Whether the cross-section in the viewing pane is to be shown in soil, rock, or both soil and rock at the starting up of the configuration.
This dialogue includes the following settings:
Prefix for trench and section in the construction.
Search radius for calculation of terrain level in the terrain model.
Group and feature code for the trench in the terrain model.
Trim Pipes at Manholes: If this check box is not marked, the pipes are drawn continuously through the manholes.
You can run the function from the following location:
Presentation Plan...
Under Presentation Plan... you can control how the project is going to be presented in the plan view/drawing. It includes the following tabs:
This dialogue includes the following settings concerning the appearance of the plan drawing:
Symbol paths: This controls where the program fetches symbols for the drawing. Here the user may insert folders with self-defined symbols.
Node Flag Position: Indicates how much the node marker may be moved and not move back to its original position when the plan is redrawn.
Pipe text position: Indicates how much the pipe text may be moved and not move back to its original position when the plan is redrawn.
Pipe Extra Offset: Default the pipes are drawn with 1,0 m offset in the drawing. If a larger offset is desired, enter increase here. Extra offset is valid for scale 1:1000 and is changed according to scale in other scales.
Draw Deleted Pipe Text: This checkbox should be marked if you want pipe text being deleted during the editing of the drawing to be drawn if the plan drawing is redrawn.
Draw Manhole Markers: This checkbox should be marked if you want manhole markers to be drawn in the plan drawing.
Draw Node Markers: This check box should be marked if you want node markers to be drawn in the plan drawing. You will probably not want to draw markers for both nodes and manholes. This may look somewhat messy.
Use Leader Marker: This check box should be marked if you want leader markers for angular points to be drawn in the plan drawing. The function marks all angular points, not just the ones outside the nodes.
Draw Elev Markers: If this check box is marked, there will be written out elevations for pipes both in and out for all manholes, together with coordinates for the manholes. See also Elevation Marker and Elevation Marker Prefix.
Draw Trench Markings: If you want to draw chainage for the trenches, this check box should be marked.
Trim Pipes at Manholes: If this check box is not marked, the pipes are drawn continuously through the manholes.
Adjust Point Rotation with Pipes.
You can run the function from the following location:
Node Marker
Here you control the appearance of the node markers (satellites) in the plan drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, layer color, line type, and color, with which font the name of the node is written, text height, text color, and the length of the line between the node and the satellite.
The node markers (satellites for nodes) are not drawn unless the check box for Draw Node Markers is marked under Plan.
Line length and text height are valid for a scale of 1:1000. When making drawings in other scales, the proportions are adjusted accordingly.
You can run the function from the following location:
Object Marker
Here you govern the appearance of the object markers (satellites for manholes) in the plan drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, layer color, line type, and color, with which font the name of the manhole is written, text height, text color, and the length of the line between the node and the satellite.
The object markers (satellites) are not drawn unless the check box Draw Object Markers is marked under Plan.
Line length and text height are valid for a scale of 1:1000. When making drawings in other scales, the proportions are adjusted accordingly.
You can run the function from the following location:
Leader Marker
Here you govern the appearance of the Leader Marker in the plan drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, layer color, with which font the Leader Markers are written, text height, prefix, and line length.
The leader larkers are not drawn unless the check box for Use Leader Markers is marked under Plan.
Line length and text height are valid for a scale of 1:1000. When making drawings in other scales, the proportions are adjusted accordingly.
You can run the function from the following location:
Pipe Line Text
Here you govern the appearance of the pipeline text in the plan drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, layer color, font, and text height.
Text height is valid for a scale of 1:1000. When making drawings in other scales, the proportions are adjusted accordingly.
You can run the function from the following location:
Pipe Direction Marker
This function governs the appearance of the pipe direction markers, i.e., arrows showing which direction the water is running in the different pipes. You also have to decide what kind of direction marker the different pipe types should have.
You can run the function from the following location:
Elevation Marker
Here you set the appearance of the elevation markers in the plan drawing. This includes layer names in the drawing, layer colors, line types and colors, with which font the elevation markers are to be drawn, text height, text color, line length, the number of decimals in the indication of elevation, manhole height, whether manhole heights are to be grouped or not, the text's distance from the lines and whether coordinates, elevations and manhole numbers are to be drawn in the plan drawing.
The elevation markers are not drawn unless the check box for Draw Elev Markers is marked under Plan.
Line length and text height are valid for a scale of 1:1000. When making drawings in other scales, the sizes are adjusted according to the scale.
You can run the function from the following location:
Elevation Marker Prefix
Here you set the prefix of the elevation markers regarding elevation in and out of manholes and coordinates.
The elevation markers are not drawn unless the check box for Draw Elev Markers is marked under Plan.
Concerning text heights, font, layer colors, etc. see Elevation Marker.
You can run the function from the following location:
Line Type Files
This function governs from which files the program gets the line types for the drawing.
You can run the function from the following location:
Presentation Longitudinal Profile...
Under Presentation Longitudinal Profile... you can control how the project is going to be presented in the longitudinal profile view/drawing. It includes the following tabs:
Longitudinal Profile
In this dialogue you can find the following settings for the appearance of the longitudinal profile drawing:
Draw Nodes: If you want the nodes drawn in the longitudinal profile drawing, this selection has to be ticked off.
Draw Manholes: If you want the manholes drawn in the longitudinal profile drawing, this selection has to be ticked off. You will probably not want to draw both the manholes and the nodes. This may look somewhat messy.
Dynamic Manhole: By marking this check box, the manholes will be drawn with the correct size according to the chosen scale.
Draw Manhole Markers: You will probably want to get the manhole markers drawn in the longitudinal profile drawing. If so, you must tick off for this selection.
Draw Children: By marking this check box, any connectors in between manholes will be drawn in the longitudinal profile drawing.
Draw Vertices: By marking this check box, any vertices between manholes will be drawn in the longitudinal profile drawing.
Draw External Stations: If a trench is situated in a designed road, marking this selection will get the stationing of the road drawn in the longitudinal profile drawing.
Elevation Threshold: In this selection, you set the least vertical difference there has to be between the elevations of the pipe in and the pipe out of a manhole for both levels to be drawn in the pipe table of the longitudinal profile drawing.
You can run the function from the following location:
Here you record data for the frame of the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing. This includes the height and length of the frame in mm, layer name in the drawing and color.
You can run the function from the following location:
Node Marker
Here you set the appearance of the markers for nodes and manholes in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, color, line type, whether there is to be drawn circles, with which text style names of the manholes and nodes are to be drawn, possible divergent font file, possible text prefix for names, text height, text color, text rotation, data for text written vertically, text prefix for stationing, number of decimals in station number and whether there is to be drawn node markers for pipe bends.
Nodes and manholes are not drawn unless the checkboxes for respectively “Draw Nodes” and “Draw Manholes” are marked under Longitudinal Profile.
You can run the function from the following location:
Pipe Table
Here you record data for the pipe table in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing. The text from this dialogue goes directly into the drawing, and in the fields that do not get their content from the WS project, the text may be replaced if this is required. This goes for the fields Owner, Soil Type and Sub-surface Layers.
You can run the function from the following location:
Terrain Surface
Here you set the appearance of the terrain surface line in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, color, and line type.
You can run the function from the following location:
Rock Surface
Here you set the appearance of the rock surface line in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, color, and line type.
You can run the function from the following location:
Vertex Marker
Here you set data for marking of vertices in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, color, and line type, with which text style vertices are to be drawn, from which file the text style is gotten, possible text prefix for the name, and the number of decimals in the station number.
Vertices are not drawn unless the check box for Draw Vertices is marked under Longitudinal Profile.
You can run the function from the following location:
Grid Definition
Here you set the appearance of the grid in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing. This includes layer name in the drawing, color, text height, whether or not to draw 1m grid and interval of the gridlines.
You can run the function from the following location:
Here you set the appearance of lines defined as elements in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing (e.g. designed roads, etc.). This includes layer name in the drawing, color, and line type.
You can run the function from the following location:
Crossing Pipes
Here you set data for the presentation of crossing pipes in the profile part of the longitudinal profile drawing, included collision analysis. This includes:
Mark only existing: This function is not yet implemented, and marking this check box, will make AutoCAD crash.
Manhole - manhole collision: Collision analysis for manholes as well, not only crossing pipes.
Gap default: Gap to be used in collision analysis, both for crossing pipes and manholes.
Ask for gap: By marking this check box, you will also get a question on the command line whether the distance stated above is to be used or not. See Collision Analysis as well.
Show distance outside: By marking this check box, you indicate that the outside distance between the elements in the collision analysis is the one to be shown.
VM export layer: This is the prefix of the layers for 3D pipes to be exported to Novapoint Virtual Map. See Draw 3D Pipes/Manholes from WS Model as well.
Pipe Layer: This is the name of the layer for the crossing pipes in the longitudinal profile drawing.
Text height: This is the height of the text with which the crossing pipes are shown in the longitudinal profile drawing.
Text format: This shows the format of the text in the markers for crossing pipes in the longitudinal profile drawing.
Text X offset:
Text Y offset:
Leader marker layer name: This is the name of the temporary layer for collision analysis in the plan drawing.
Leader marker height: This is the height of the text with which the collision analysis is shown in the plan drawing.
Leader marker leader X offset:
Leader marker leader Y offset:
You can run the function from the following location:
Presentation Cross Section...
Under Presentation Cross Section... you can find settings for layer names in the drawing, together with colors and line types for all elements in the drawing of ditch cross sections from the WS project.