Slope Surface
The function calculates the slope from a selected polyline in the drawing. It draws the slope, and returns calculated volumes for cut and fill. User is free to use an active triangulation towards terrain or calculation towards an existing grid file of a terrain layer, as the calculation method.
Run the function from:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Terrain design: Slope surfaces
MOUS_ICO Menu: Terrain > Terrain design > Slope surfaces
Setting possibilities
Project Settings: The standard settings for slope calculation are defined with this head.
Calculation Settings: This part of the function contains the basic calculation settings for the Slope Calculation.
Save to Terrain Model: Saving the calculated slope data to the database/terrain model.
Ground Conditions: These functions describe the different subsurface layers and materials with cut slopes and levels /depths.
Design Features: There are two types of design features available.
Drawing Rules: Drawing rules are used to specify how to draw the slope calculation.
The function Slope Surfaces is included in Novapoint's Terrain, Road Professional, and Civil Construction modules. Run the function; the palette Slope Surface will be docked on the left side of the screen. Press and hold down the left mouse button over the double lines at the top of the palette to move it. The upper part of the palette shows the different types of parameters and settings that are available for the function. Select each type of setting by pointing at the text.
Working Process
Write a name for the polyline at Project Settings - Slope Object - Name.
Select a Slope Parameter Set at Project Settings - Slope Object - Slope Parameter Set.
Use the Select Object button and select the polyline to calculate from.
Pick a side to calculate.
Verify values in Slope Parameter Set and change if necessary.
Verify drawing rules.
Update calculation when changes are made.
Change Slope Parameter Set template if necessary.
You can skip steps 1 and 2. There will then be generated a unique name and a Slope Parameter Set template, automatically. The slope calculation function uses AutoCAD Tool pallet technology and the user can edit parameters and edit the polyline at the same time as well as use all AutoCAD standard functions.
Active Terrain Model and Surface Type
The Slope Surface function uses the active terrain model as a base for its calculations. It can be changed in Project Settings. It is possible to use Triangles or Grid.
Triangles - Before using this !!calculation method!!, make sure that necessary groups are active in terrain model properties (refer to Novapoint Base). The triangulation is happening automatically in the background.
Group and feature code settings are important when calculating more than one set of slopes, that has interaction with each other and if the slope calculations are to be saved to the terrain model. It is also important to give correct priority to the groups being used for slope calculations, in most cases priority 1 if the terrain surface has priority 0.
In the case of having groups for surfaces with several priorities and several subsurface levels, the slope calculation function will automatically calculate triangles for each priority and level. The only thing the user has to control is that the correct groups in the terrain model are active.
Grid File - To use this !!calculation method!!, generate the grid file of the terrain layer to be used for calculation. This is done in Novapoint Base. It is very important to have the correct groups and feature codes active when generating the grid file. In the case of having a terrain model with both terrain surface and subsurface levels, respective groups are to be turned active so that both surfaces are generated to the same grid file.
Draw possibilities
The standard value for drawing cut and fill slopes are 3D Faces. Slopes can also be drawn as 3D lines or in 2D. Select the desired option from the pull-down menu.
When changes are made in the settings or the polyline is changed, update the calculation by using the Update button
Select Object
Use this button to select the polyline, which is to be used to calculate the cut and fill slope.
Command prompts for:
Please select a polyline:
Select a polyline by pointing at it
Choose one side:
Point on one side of the polyline. The slope will be calculated on the selected side
Next topic: Straight Lines Only