Walk Along Section Points in Plan

The Walk Along Section Points in Plan function allows you to set out AutoCAD points on one or more lines at the required station. The function works in a similar way to the scroll mode for cross sections, but here you can walk along the line on a plan drawing. You will have to draw a plan first using the Define/Draw Horizontal Geometry function containing the lines you want to lay out points for.

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Horizontal Geometry Walk along Section Points in Plan

When you start Walk Along Section Points in Plan you are asked to pick a structure point. Pick the structure point, which represents the line on your plan drawing you wish to walk along or attach points to.

After you have picked a structure point, you will enter the step mode. Your plan drawing is shown on the screen.

When you are in walk mode, a white cross will be drawn onscreen at a point on the line you selected on the cross-section. You can also see the station where this cross is located on the AutoCAD status line. You can then walk along the line or jump to particular stations in addition to laying out points on the line. When you are in walk mode, it is not possible to draw or use other standard AutoCAD commands. There will therefore be no cross-wires onscreen when you are in this mode.

Command prompts for:

You can then choose from the capital letters R, S, I, T, N, P, O, Z, and W plus ESC and the return key ENTER. The selections have the following meanings :

First station "R"

R is selected for entering the first road station.

Accept "ENTER"

ENTER should be selected when you want to leave scroll mode. When ENTER is selected, the cross-wires will return to the screen. The plan drawing will still be onscreen.

Cancel "ESC"

ESC cancels scroll mode. The cross-wires will return to the screen.

Station "S"

When S is selected, command prompts for:

Enter station:

You must then choose which station you want the cross to move to. The cross will then jump forward to the point on the line, which relates to the selected station. The program will still be in walk mode.

Interval "I"

You can select the interval between stations by which you want to walk along the centerline, by means of I. Command prompts for:

Interval <5.000>:

Point Type "T"

You can choose how the symbol for an AutoCAD point should be output when you select a point (T). The following prompt will be displayed:

Enter a new value for PDSIZE <1000.000>:

Enter a new value for PDMODE <100>:

Refer to the AutoCAD manual for a description of these system variables.

Next "N"

Using N, you can scroll to the next station in order of increasing station and with an interval of I.

Previous "P"

P works in a similar way to N, but you scroll to the previous station in order of decreasing station.

Point "O"

O is used to draw an AutoCAD point on the line at the point where the white cross is located. Later on, you can use this point as a starting point for a further drawing or for extracting coordinates, etc. You can change the symbol for the point by selecting point type (see above).

Zoom "Z"

You can Zoom in on the appropriate plan drawing in four different ways. Normal zoom commands in AutoCAD do not apply in walk mode.

When you select Z, the following will be displayed onscreen:

D/(Dynamic)/E(Extents)/W(Window)/P(Previous) :

D: You can zoom dynamically by means of a box on the screen. This function works almost in the same way as zoom dynamic in AutoCAD. The following prompt will be displayed:

Enter 2 corner points and one centre point for the window:

E: Zoom extents zooms everything currently on the screen.

W Prompts the user to select a window for Zoom:

Enter 2 corner points for the window:

P Shows an extract of the screen before the previous zoom.

neW point

If you want to lay out points on one of the lines on the plan drawing other than the one you selected on the cross-section, you can select W. The dialog box where you can choose section points appears and you must choose the point for the new line.

The white cross will jump over to the new point you have selected and at the same station as before. You can also select points on the cross-section, which represent lines that are not shown on the plan.