Draw Horizontal Alignment Table

Use the following procedure to generate a horizontal alignment table on AutoCAD.

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Horizontal Geometry Draw Horizontal Alignment Table

The dialog box 'Select Line to use as Main Alignment' will pop up, which lists all the alignments in the database (Digital Terrain Model) including the lines, which were not used in Road Design.


If there are many lines in the database, you can seek the correct line by typing the first few letters at the field Enter the first few letters.

Horizontal alignment

For horizontal alignment, the following will details will be listed for each element of horizontal alignment.

ID (Element No.), Element Type (Straight/Curve/Clothoid), Start/End Stations, Start/End Radius, Coordinates of Start/End points.

Vertical alignment

The vertical alignment details will be shown with or without the vertical intersection points. When Show vertical PIís is selected, the list shows station numbers, elevations, and radiuses for the PIís. With the Show vertical PIís off the list shows the element type with station number and elevation at the beginning and end of each element.

Choose the correct alignment from the list and click OK. The dialog box Select stations from <selected alignment>' will pop up. Select the Start and End stations from the list and click OK. Tip: You can select multiple rows using the key Shift and Ctrl. On the command line, you now have to specify the table header text and finally, you must pick the location on the drawing for the lower-left corner of the table. Command prompts for: