Plan and Profile
Use this function to generate a plan and longitudinal profile for the corresponding plan.
Plan and respective profiles will be generated on a section basis of 750.0 m for a drawing scale of 1:1000. For other scales, the section length varies.
The function clips and pastes together parts of plans and corresponding longitudinal profiles.
The function is based on the AutoCAD commands Model space and Paper space.
For a detailed description of Model space and Paper space, see AutoCAD help.
The minimum requirements before executing the function are the following:
Draw the plan of the Water and Sewer project using the function Plan.
Draw plan frames to the plan using the function Insert Frame/Panel of the menu Novapoint Drawing Layouts.
For a detailed description of generating plan frames, refer to the topic Insert Frame/Panel.
The frame to be used for this function is Half height A1.
The length of the frame/panel depends on the Drawing Scale.
Plan frames are to be drawn all along the trench length, for which plan and profiles are to be generated.
The frames should be oriented such that they are parallel to the trench. Orientation can be done using AutoCAD's Rotate, Move, etc., functions.
Draw the profile frames using the function Longitudinal Profile.
Run the function Plan and Profile from the following location:
Step 1: Run the function.
Step 2: Command prompts for:
Select Plan Frame:
Step 3: Select the Plan's Red Frame.
Enter Plan View Name:
Step 4: Define a name for the selected plan view to identify it.
Select Profile Frame:
Step 5: Select the Profile frame corresponding to the section of the plan frame selected.
Enter Profile Frame Name:
Step 6: Define a name for the Profile frame selected, to identify it.
Step 7: Go to AutoCAD's tab Layout and run the function Plan and Profile again.
Before going to the tab Layout, repeat the function on AutoCAD's Model tab so that all the plan frames and profile frames are selected.
When all the plan frames covering the whole section of the trench and related profile frames are selected, switch to the tab Layout.
Define the plot settings.
Run the function Plan and Profile.
The dialogue box Select View will pop up. This includes a list of all the plan views and profiles views.
Select the plan view to be added to the layout and click OK.
Again the same dialogue box will pop up.
This time select the respective profile view.