Draw Slope Markings from Polyline
This function draws a slope marking between two selected 2D polylines. The polylines must be drawn before the function is run. The slope marking can also be changed and updated with predefined settings.
Run the function from:
Ribbon: Novapoint > Tools > Draw Slope Marking from Polyline
Command prompts for:
Pick/Update/Delete/Option/<P>: Press enter or the right mouse button.
Select Top: Pick the polyline that marks the top of the slope.
Select Toe: Pick the polyline that marks the bottom of the slope.
Sub-choices for the function
Pick is used to pick the two polylines.
Update is used to update the slope marking of a different type, or density (see Options).
Delete is used to delete the slope marking by picking a line in the slope marking.
Options brings out a dialog where you can control the parameters for the drawing.
Mark style: There are three types to choose between: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3
In addition, it is possible to edit parameters such as the density of the slope marking, layer, and color.
Next topic: Draw Symbols to Terrain Cross-Sections