
The Alignment Design dialog has the following drop-down menus:

By clicking on the links above you'll get a in-depth description of the different menus.


The pull-down menu looks like this:

Select task...

Here it is possible to select the appropriate alignment task in Novapoint Base.

MOUS_ICO The function is also available from Alignment Design > Toolbar >  Select Task

Center Line from Road Model

This function uses the center line set in the active road model as the alignment.

MOUS_ICO The function is also available from Alignment Design > Toolbar >  Center Line from Road Model


Pick Angular Points

This function creates a new alignment based on straight lines and simultaniously adds curves as set by the user or Design Standard.

Note: The Append Angular Points function does not force the alignment to start from scratch.

From Drawing

Use this function when wanting to select an alignment from the drawing. It is possible to choose single or multiple alignments, lines and polylines.

The first picked element sets the alignment direction. If more than one CAD element is selected the direction of the alignment will be consequential in the direction the alignment is selected. The direction of the alignment can be changed at any time with the Turn function.

MOUS_ICO The function is also available from Action buttons > Pick Object

From File...

This function opens an alignment based on file data. The file data can be on different file formats.

Alignment Data Formats

Horizontal Alignment data in the following formats can be used in Alignment Design:

Vertical Alignment data in the following formats can be used in Alignment Design:

When the horizontal alignment is loaded the function asks for the file with the vertical alignment. Select the appropriate file for the vertical alignment or press Cancel.

TenTable (*.TIT)

This is the most used filetype for Novapoint alignments. When choosing an alignment from a TIT-file, Novapoint performs a check for the SEG file with the same name as for the TIT file. The SEG-file contains the details of fixation, and Novapoint will use this information if it is present.


Use this function to save the alignment to a task in the Quadri-model. If a task already containing an alignment is selected, the previous alignment will be overwritten.



Use this function to add information you want to follow the alignment. Details defined in this dialog box will be saved in the files *.RES and *.NDB.

Start Chainage...

Use this function to define the first chainage for the active alignment.

Alternatively, the user can define the value for the start chainage based on a desired point on the alignment or globally. Novapoint will recalculate the start chainage when pressing Calculate Start Chainage.

Follow the below procedure to calculate the first chainage from other designed alignments, object in the drawing or a desired point on the alignment:

Step 1: Mark the check box Use Chainage at Point.

Step 2: Pick a point in the drawing using the button Pick Point < or manually insert the North and East coordinates. The point can be any of the following:

Step 3: Based on the current first chainage (at the field Start Chainage), the chainage at the point selected will be calculated and displayed at the field Chainage.

Step 4: Define the desired chainage at the field Chainage and click the button Calculate Start Chainage to find the new first chainage for the horizontal alignment. Observe the field Start Chainage.

Step 5: Click OK to apply and exit.

Note: When using this function on an alignment already in use as reference alignment, the road model will NOT BE UPDATED based on the changes. Therefore, the Road Model must be adjusted separately.

Automatic Quadri Save

The function gives the user the possibility to switch off the automatic saving of the alignment to the Quadri-model. The use of this function will give quicker response when doing changes in larger alignments because the communication between the Quadri-model and Alignment Design is cut off.

The user should use this function carefully, and it is recommended to use the Save only more actively or save by drawing out to CAD to preserve data from being lost unnecessary.

Export to File...

Use this function to export the designed alignment to files. The dialog box Save As will pop up:

Alignment data (horizontal geometry and/or vertical geometry) can be exported to the following formats:

Saving single files from tables:

Import NADB File

Use this function to import the horizontal alignment data from a NADB input data file. When importing from a NADB file, extension *.NDB, the properties and user defined fixed points will be included. Fixations will follow the *.SEG file if this is available.


The pull-down menu looks like this:


Use these functions to undo any changes made to the alignment to any marks in the history. This function cancels the latest action.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available from the Toolbar

Note: Undo in the Alignment Design is connected to changes in the alignment and is not to be mixed with the undo in the CAD software.

Tip: Use the History tab in the element data window for visually switching between different versions of the alignment.


Use these functions to redo any changes made with the undo in the Alignment Design Dialog Box. The function cancels the last undo operations.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available from the Toolbar

Note: Redo in the Alignment Design is connected to changes in the alignment and is not to be mixed with the redo in the CAD software.

Tip: Use the History tab in the element data window for visually switching between different versions of the alignment.


Use this function to delete one or more selected elements in the horizontal and vertical input data tables.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available from the Toolbar

Tip: Elements can also be deleted using the key Delete on the keyboard. Select the elements to be deleted and hit the Delete key.

Select All

This function selects all elements in the horizontal or vertical input data tables of the Element Data Window.

Tip: All elements in the Element Data Window can also be selected using the keys CTRL + A on the keyboard.


This option creates an identical copy of the selected elements of the horizontal alignment and opens it in a new alignment dialog.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available when right-clicking an element in the Element Data Window

Tip: Copy the whole alignment by using the key combinations Ctrl + A followed by Ctrl + C.

Note: The new alignment must be saved to the Quadri-model using the function Name... before working on the vertical alignment (described above under Object).

Copy and Offset

This option creates an identical alignment (horizontal and vertical geometry) with options to offset to the left or right side. The dialog box Copy and Offset will pop up where the offset value and direction can be defined.

The function Copy and Offset can be activated using the keys Ctrl + O.

Offset: Define the offset distance in meters.

When editing the alignments the respective dialog box will be highlighted.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available when right-clicking an element in the Element Data Window

Copy and Mirror

This option creates an identical but mirrored alignment (horizontal and vertical geometry). The mirror line is to be defined with two points.

The function Copy and Mirror can be activated using the keys Ctrl + M.

Command prompts for:

When editing the alignments the respective dialog box will be highlighted.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available when right-clicking an element in the Element Data Window

Split after Element

Use this function to split the alignment into two parts at the end of the selected element.

Select an element from the tab Input H (horizontal input data), which is to be the last element to remain in the original alignment after the split.

The second part of the original alignment after the split will be available in a new Alignment Design Dialog Box. The second part of the alignment must be saved to the Quadri-model or drawn out to be saved.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available when right-clicking an element in the Element Data Window

Note: The vertical alignment will not be split. Import the vertical alignment for the second part of alignment from the first part of alignment using the function From Terrain Model.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog box when the tab Input H is active.

Delete Element(s) and Split

The function is similar to Split after Element but also deletes selected elements before splitting the alignment into two parts.

Select (highlight) one or multiple element rows on the tab Input H (horizontal input data), which are to be deleted. The selected elements will be deleted from the alignment and the alignment will be split into two parts.

The second part of the original alignment after the split will be available in a new Alignment Design Dialog Box. Continue the design and remember to save to the database (Quadri Model) with a unique name.

MOUS_ICO In the Alignment Design the function is also available when right-clicking an element in the Element Data Window

Note: The vertical alignment will not be split. Import the vertical alignment for the second part of alignment from the first part of alignment using the function Get Object from task.


Use these options to set or return to marks in the history list, and to stop or start the history recording.

All changes and actions done to the alignment since the Alignment Design Dialog Box is opened will be recorded into a log list and can be accessed from the History tab in the Element Data window.

Set Mark

Use this option to mark an action in the history; this will act as a restore point.

Go Back to Mark

Use this option to undo all actions that are carried out after the Set Mark action.


Use this option to stop recording the actions in the history list, e.g. if the operations being carried using the Alignment Design functions can be defined as a group of actions not needed to be recorded.


Use this option to start recording the actions in the history list.


The pull-down menu looks like this:


Zoom All Elements

Use this function to zoom all the elements of both the alignments (horizontal and vertical). The function can be operated on both horizontal and vertical drawings.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Zoom All

MOUS_ICO Menu: View > Zoom > All Elements

Tip: To access the function from the Alignment Design Dialog Box, activate the tab Input H or Input V, place the cursor on a desired object, enable the pop-up menu, and select the menu option All Elements from the submenu Zoom.

Zoom Selected Element(s)

Use this function to zoom the selected elements in both horizontal and vertical drawings.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Zoom Selected Element(s)

MOUS_ICO Menu: View > Zoom > Selected Element(s)

Note: When zooming to selected horizontal elements, the vertical drawing will zoom the corresponding vertical alignment element, and vice versa.


Zoom Horizontal Drawing

Use this function to zoom the horizontal drawing to the corresponding elements as the vertical drawing view.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Zoom Horizontal Drawing

MOUS_ICO Menu: View > Zoom > Horizontal Drawing

This function is only applicable when working with both horizontal and vertical alignments.


Zoom Vertical Drawing

Use this function to zoom the vertical drawing to the corresponding part as the horizontal drawing view.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Zoom Vertical Drawing

MOUS_ICO Menu: View > Zoom > Vertical Drawing

This function is only applicable when working with both the horizontal and the vertical alignment.



Use this function to define the display setting of the design line (graphical alignment (horizontal/vertical) on the current drawing/vertical drawing).

Run the function from the following location in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: View > Display

The dialog box Display Setting will pop up.

Settings for the horizontal alignment

Settings for the vertical alignment

Grip Symbols

To toggle Grip Symbols, select the tab Horizontal Drawing.


Tip: Use CAD command Fill to turn on/off filling of the grip symbols.

Element signature

To toggle Element Signature, select the tab Horizontal Drawing.

Sketch Polyline during Drag

To toggle Sketch Polyline during Drag, select the tab Horizontal Drawing.

Schematic Vertical Alignment

To toggle Schematic Vertical Alignment, select the tab Horizontal Drawing.



To toggle Chainage, select the tab Horizontal Drawing.

This option refers to chainage along the design line (graphical alignment in the current/vertical drawing). Mark the check box and define the chainage interval. If this option is not active, only tangent points will be having the chainage. The default chainage interval is 100.0m.

Slope Signature

To toggle Slope Signature, select the tab Horizontal Drawing.


To toggle Terrain, select the tab Horizontal Drawing.

If the terrain is disabled, it will not be displayed or recalculated when the horizontal alignment changes and there will be no longitudinal terrain profile on the vertical drawing.

This might reduce calculating/processing time while working with long alignments.

Tip: Double-click the field TERRAIN on the status bar of the user interface to toggle terrain calculation and presentation in the vertical drawing.


The pull-down menu looks like this:


Use this function for the following:

This function operates in two different ways:

The function operates the same way in both horizontal and vertical drawing.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Arc

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Arc


Shortcut Menu Options

This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment).

Note: Vertical curves (sag or summit) can also be designed using K - Value as input.


Use this function for the following:

This function operates in two different ways:

The function operates the same way in both horizontal and vertical drawing.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Line

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Line


Shortcut Menu Options

This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment).

Transition Curves

Use this function to insert a transition curve in the horizontal alignment.

Select an element from the table Input H, after which transition curve is to be inserted and run the function Insert Transition Curve(s).

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Transition Curve(s)

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Transition Curve(s)

This function will be disabled when vertical geometry is active, as there will be no transition curves in vertical geometry of the alignment.

Shortcut Menu Options

This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal alignment).

Arc in Line

Use this function to insert arc element in a line element.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Arc in Line

Follow the command prompt.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment):

Line in Arc

Use this function to insert line element in an arc element.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Line in Arc

Follow the command prompt.

Minimum Arc where Line-Line

Use this function to insert arcs with minimum radius/length (define with the function Minimum Arc) between straight lines in the horizontal and the vertical alignments.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Minimum Arc where Line-Line

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Minimum Arc where Line-Line

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design Professional. To activate this function from the shortcut menu, select all the elements or at least two elements on main dialog box (either from the tab Input H or Input V), activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Minimum Arc where Line-Line.

Missing Transition Curves

Use this function to automatically insert transition curves between all elements in the horizontal alignments.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Missing Transition Curves

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Missing Transition Curves

Note: This function will be disabled when vertical geometry is active, as there will be no transition curves in vertical geometry of the alignment.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog (only from the tab Input H) in Alignment Design Professional. To activate this function from the shortcut menu, select all the elements or at least two elements on main dialog box (only from the tab Input H), activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Missing Transition Curves.

Ref. Points

Use these options to add reference points.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Ref. Point(s) > Add, Add and Pick, Add from Ref. Line

The options are explained in the topic Reference Points.


The pull-down menu looks like this:


Use this function to trim the horizontal alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Trim

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Trim

The dialog box Trim Horizontal Alignment will pop up.

The section of the alignment between the chainages defined will be retained.

Note: Trimmed alignments might not give a successful calculation, depending on the specified new end points, e.g. trimming a transition curve.


Trim Start and End

Use this function to trim the start and end of the vertical alignment so it is not longer than the horizontal alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Trim Start and End

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Trim Start and End

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (vertical alignment). To activate the function from the design line (Vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Trim Start and End from the sub menu Modify.



Use this function to turn the chainage direction of alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Turn Alignment

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Turn

Note: Irrespective of chainage direction, longitudinal profile will be represented on positive chainage axis (X - axis) in Vertical Drawing.



Use this function to move the horizontal or the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Move

User has to pick a start point (base point for moving the alignment) and an end point (destination point) for displacement. The alignment will be moved to the specified displacement.

Moving Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal geometry table (tab Input H or the Horizontal Design Line) must be active to move the horizontal alignment.

Moving the horizontal alignment will affect the longitudinal terrain profile the vertical alignment was designed against.

When moving the horizontal alignment the vertical alignment will stay unchanged as much as possible. That means the North and East position of the vertical intersection points will be displaced parallel to the original position. Small moves of the horizontal will then not make any big influence of the vertical alignment.

Moving Vertical Alignment

The vertical geometry table (tab Input V or the Vertical Drawing) must be active to move the vertical alignment.

Moving the vertical alignment will not affect the horizontal alignment.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (horizontal or vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Move from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to make a mirrored copy of the horizontal and vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Mirror

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Mirror

User has to specify the first point of mirror line and the second point of mirror line. The original alignment will be mirrored about the specified line.


If the original alignment was defined with a vertical geometry, the vertical geometry will also be copied. Before continuing the work with the vertical alignment, the mirrored alignment must be saved to the terrain model with the function Object Name.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (horizontal or vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Mirror from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to lift the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Lift

Follow the command prompt.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Lift from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to sink the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Sink

Follow the command prompt.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Sink from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to offset the horizontal alignment to a specified distance to the left or right side.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Offset

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Offset

The dialog box Offset will pop up. Define the offset value (meter) and click the respective buttons to offset the alignment to left or right side.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (horizontal geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Offset from the sub menu Modify.

Stretch Element

Use this function to lengthen or shorten an alignment element (line or arc).

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Stretch Element

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment):

Command prompts for:

Left click to end, right click to get menu, or press Esc to cancel.

[Length/End chainage/Turn drag]

Select the desired option or pick an exiting 2D point to stretch the element to that point.

Tip: Use the Snap Modes for precise selection of 2D point.

Note: Unless the drag direction is changed the alignment shall be dragged/stretched/lengthened in the direction of chainage. The end chainage will be the end point of the element in the direction of chainage.

Tip: If the start chainage is to be fixed or the element is to be stretched/lengthened/dragged in reverse direction to chainage, change the drag direction and edit the chainage with the option East chainage or lengthen with the option Length.

Once the function is activated the alignment gets dragged with respective to the selected element in the direction of chainage unless the drag direction is changed temporarily with the option Turn drag of this function.

L for changing the length of selected element

E for fixing the end chainage of the element

T for changing the direction of drag (temporarily within this function)

Length <current value>:

Enter the new value for length of the element.

East chainage <current value>:

Enter the new value for last chainage of the element.

Turn drag:

Changes the drag/stretch direction temporarily.

Drag along Polyline

Use this function to drag the horizontal or the vertical alignment along selected elements in the drawing.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Not available from the Toolbar

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Drag along Polyline

Select the element in CAD along which alignment is to be dragged.


Get Fixed Points from Result

Use this function to move the fixed points to the end of the elements, both for horizontal and the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Get Fixed Points from Result

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Get Fixed Points from Result

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design. To activate the function from the main dialog, activate the alignment geometry table (Input H or Input V), select multiple element rows or at least two element rows, place the cursor on the selected rows, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Get Fixed Points from Results.

Calculate Angular Points

Methods to relocate/edit the coordinates of/move the angular point(s) to modify the alignment are:

One of the methods to modify the alignment is relocating (editing the coordinates of) the angular point(s) in the user-interface. Relocating the angular point(s) changes the length of the alignment elements (line and arc) but not the radius of the arc element.

Do the following to change the angular point(s) of the horizontal alignment from the user-interface:

Do the following to change the angular point(s) of the vertical alignment from the user-interface:

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Calculate Angular Points

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Calculate Angular Points

Tips: This function can also be activated from:

This function calculates the angular points of the active alignment.


Situation before calculating angular points:

Figure 1: Situation before calculating angular points

Figure 2: Situation before calculating angular points

Situation after calculating angular points:

Figure 3: Situation after calculating angular points

Figure 4: Situation after calculating angular points

To switch back to the previous type of representation, run the function Split Angular Points (see below).

Split Angular Points

Methods to relocate/edit the coordinates of/move the fixed point(s) to modify the alignment are:

One of the methods to modify the alignment is relocating (editing the coordinates of) the fixed point(s) in the user-interface. Relocating the fixed point(s) changes the length of the alignment elements (line and arc) but not the radius of the arc element.

Do the following to change the fixed point(s) of the horizontal alignment from the user-interface:

Do the following to change the fixed point(s) of the vertical alignment from the user-interface:

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Split Angular Points

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Split Angular Points

Tip: This function can also be activated from:

This function split the angular points of the active alignment, which were calculated with the function Calculate Angular Points (see above) and the fixed points are moved to the ends of the line elements.


Situation before splitting the angular points:

Figure 5: Situation before splitting the angular points

Figure 6: Situation before splitting the angular points

Situation after splitting the angular points:

Figure 7: Situation after splitting the angular points

Figure 8: Situation after splitting the angular points

To switch back to the previous type of representation, run the function Calculate Angular Points.


Use this function to connect the following elements that are already drawn on the current drawing.

The following types of connection can be done with this function:

As there are no transition curves for vertical alignment, the connections with transition elements of the above are not available when the function Connect is activated on vertical geometry.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Connect

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Connect

Command prompts for:

Pick a line, arc, polyline:

Select the elements which are to be connected to the active alignment.

The selected elements are connected next to the last element of the active alignment. If the selected elements are to be connected at the start of the alignment, the alignment's direction is to be turned before activating the function Connect. The direction of the element can also be reversed with the function Turn.

Tip: It is recommended that the end of the first alignment and the start of the second alignment is in the same horizontal point, and that the vertical design goes all the way to this chainage. For best results the alignment should have a straight line in the connection point in both horizontal and vertical to handle any deflections in the design between the two lines. If straight lines are not made in the connection points the connections might fail to connect properly without user interaction with regards to for example fixation logics or two consecutive curves with same radius and direction.

Append Combination

Use these functions to add multiple elements with specified combination.

Table 1: Combinations of elements that can be added to the alignment

As there are no transition curves for vertical alignment, the combinations with transition elements of the above are not available when this function is activated on vertical geometry.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Append Combination

Tips: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment):

Append Angular Points

Use this function to continue adding new angular points (by picking from the current drawing) from the latest end point of the alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Append Angular Point

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Append Angular Point

Tips: This function can also be activated from:

Follow the command prompt.

Tip: Use object snap modes for precise selection of points.

Note: The icon Append Angular Points acts for Pick Angular Point when the alignment is not yet started (no alignment in the current drawing). If the alignment is already started, it will continue the alignment by adding angular points from the latest end point of the alignment.

Alignment save options and retrieving it back to continue the alignment design or to modify the alignment are as follows:


The pull-down menu looks like this:

Follow Terrain

Use this function to force the vertical geometry to follow the terrain.

Run the function from this location in Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Tools > Follow Terrain

The dialog box Follow Terrain - Vertical Geometry will pop up.

First/Last Chainage

Define the section of the alignment, of which vertical geometry has to follow the terrain. The first inserted angular point ends up at the first chainage and the last inserted angular point will end up at the last chainage. By default, the whole section is taken into account.

Lift (+)/Sink (-)

State if the adjustment must be lifted or sunken in relation to the terrain profile. A positive value determines the lift in meters; a negative value determined the sinking in meters.

Maximum Arrow height (accuracy)

Angular Arc Radius, Sag/Summit Curves

Determines the radius of the inserted vertical curves. Default value is 0.001m.

Propose Segments

Use this function to fix the element types in the element sequence so that the alignment calculation is correct.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Propose Segments

MOUS_ICO Menu: Tools > Propose Segments

Parallel Lines

Use this function to switch on/off the parallel lines on either side of the alignment when the alignment is drawn to the current drawing.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Parallel Lines On/Off

MOUS_ICO Menu: Tools > Parallel Lines

Parallel Line Width

Use this function to define the offset of parallel lines to alignment on either side. The values defined here will reflect in the function Parallel Lines (see above).

Run the function from the following location in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Tools > Parallel Line Width

Depending on the active tab (Input H or Input V), the dialog box Parallel Line Width will pop up.

Advanced 3D polyline offset

The function for creating a 3D polyline for cable channels is completely revised and is made more general. This is the new dialog:

Figure 9: The dialog for advanced 3D polyline offset

Enter all sections you want to create a single 3D polyline for. You can use different methods for the height reference, and if there are gaps they will be connected using a single straight line. You can also initiate values from an existing 3D polyline by using the pick button (the selected polyline is not erased).

This is the available height reference methods for railway:

For all methods, there is a possibility to add an extra vertical offset.

The calculation basis is the current horizontal and vertical geometry in Alignment Design.

Max dist. from the chord midpoint to arc is a value for deciding the accuracy of the computed polyline.


Top nearest sleeper edge: The height is set to the top of the nearest sleeper edge.

Figure 10: Location of top nearest sleeper edge

Top nearest rail: The height is set to top of nearest rail.

Figure 11: Location of top nearest rail

When the OK button is pressed, the 3D polyline is computed and drawn to CAD.