Draw Tunnel Elements
The wall elements can be set out in the drawing either separately or as element series along the tunnel. To draw element series, the element plan calculations must have been executed in advance (See the topic 'Read and Calculate Elements' for calculation). To draw element series, run the function 'Draw Elements' for the following location.
Find the function here:
Ribbon: Bridge > Draw Tunnel Elements
The dialog box 'Draw Tunnel Elements' will pop up.
Settings to draw a Single Element
Select the radio button 'Single Element'. The list shows the predefined elements and the user-defined elements available. Select the desired element and press the button 'Draw'.
Settings to draw an Element Series (Element Plan to Drawing)
Select the radio button 'Series of Elements'. Then choose which side of the tunnel the elements should be drawn (Left, Right, or Both). To draw the elements for only a certain part of the tunnel, mark the radio button 'Specified Interval' and specify the desired station number interval, as shown below. To draw the elements for the entire stretch of the tunnel, mark the radio button 'All' (default option).
Having defined all the parameters, press the button 'Draw'.