Connect Polyline to Road

Use the following procedure to connect a bridge cross-section (cross-section drawn on AutoCAD drawing) to road.

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Cross-Section > Connect Polyline to Road

Command prompts for:

The connection is registered in the drawing and the breakpoints for the polyline are shown with red grips. You now have to save the cross-section to the Bridge database.

Save Key Section to Database

Select all of the polylines of the current bridge cross-section. This function saves information about the bridge cross-section to the Bridge database. All the points on the registered polyline are now registered with the same point type.

If you want another point type for one point or a selection of points on the polyline, you can easily do this with the function Change Point Type.

Note: If you want to change the point type for the entire polyline you can do this easily by using the tool 'Connect Polyline to Road' again. In such case command prompts for:

Note: The entity must be saved again with Save Key Section to Database to update the database.