WS Task in Quadri


You need to create a WS task in Quadri in order to design a trench. The Task window can be opened in the WS-module.


The task are created in Quadri. Go to the Novapoint ribbon and select Water and Sewer under Utilities. 

The Task window can be opened in the WS-module.


We are creating a WS task the following way:

Step 1: Go to Quadri.

Step 2: In the Explorer, select the correct summary task for the WS task.

Step 3: Go to the Novapoint ribbon and select Water and Sewer from Utilities.

Step 4: Enter a suitable name.

Step 5: Select subtask.

Step 6: Select the correct Calculation Basis for your design. The Calculation basis must be continuous and cover the area of your design.

Step 7: Select the correct Calculation Basis for Trench. The Calculation basis must be continuous and cover the area of your design.

Step 8: Click Finish to create the task.

We can now open the WS task in a Cad-program and start to work in the WS module:

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