Querying Features to Export

When working inside Quadri for Windows, using task and/or feature queries is a normal procedure to retrieve input data to any given task. The same method is used when making export tasks.

For export tasks where you export data going to machining equipment, there are already some pre-made templates that make it easier to export the most common data from a road or railway model. If you would like to pick out specific data to export, then read down this page.

Tip: If the selection of stringlines is too complex for the query system to handle in one process, then we recommend doing the feature selections through multiple collection tasks and then using the collection tasks as input to the export task.

Firstly start an Export task.

Select the Road task

Inside the dynamic query, you first pick the road task that you would like to export.

It is recommended to ONLY pick one road task for each export. The reason is that sorting stakeout stringlines across multiple road tasks is not supported. It will also most likely not be supported by the 3rd party software when they create surfaces based on the stringlines.

Select the Alignment task

Pick the alignment task that represents the reference alignment for the road task that you would like to export.

Select the Features to include in the Export

Tip: If the conversion file used in the export task only converts specific features that you are after, you could skip this step.


The export needs to include the reference alignment, so we must include the feature LinearElement.

Figure 1: Select LinearElement


In addition to the alignment, we need to add some stringlines to the export.

This is where it also is possible to narrow down the selection for the export. Instead of selecting all the stringlines for the road top surface, pavement layers, and deep blasting, we can do a partial selection of them, if necessary.

Example 1

To only add the stringlines for the road surface, then select the feature type StakeOutStringTopLevel.

Figure 2: Select StakeOutStringTopLevel

Example 2

To only add all the pavement stringlines, then select the feature type StakeOutStringStructure.

Figure 3: Select StakeOutStringStructure

Example 3

To only add the stringlines for Binder course 1, then:

Figure 4: How to add only the stringlines for Binder course 1

Example 4

To only add the stringlines for the road surface in addition to 2 pavement layers (for example Wearing course and Sub-base course 1), then:

Make sure to use an OR operator for the two filters.

Figure 5: How to add the stringlines for the road surface in addition to 2 pavement layers